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Problem with OSHFusion 1.5.2

icon Thread: [Help] Problem with OSHFusion 1.5.2

Join Date: May 2014

Posts: 6

Hi I apologize in advance for bad english, I use google translate. The problem is that when I run Counter-Strike source when enabled cheat program, I see a popup window with the following text:

"The following error occured while loading the hack:

Запрос ReadProcessMemory или WriteProcessMemory был выполнен только частично

You can report this error in the forum at https://www.oldschoolhack.me

An errorlog was written to the current directory. Please copy the content of this file to your error report."

TEXT Code:
  1. at System.Diagnostics.NtProcessManager.GetModuleInfos(Int32 processId, Boolean firstModuleOnly)
  2. at System.Diagnostics.ProcessManager.GetModuleInfos(Int32 processId)
  3. at System.Diagnostics.Process.get_Modules()
  4. at (Object )
  5. at ﳌ垭ł䆔䈭㠖.䛪�雡ῃㅜ䄤몏(Object )
  6. at 鷇꽷ᯚꜢ甂췸땢읐.GetProcess()
  7. at OSHFusionLoader.MainForm.⮭맳撊鯶碱굅㱰(惫帳ꨩ﹘芥�姜 ⎝煂瓶⡠囀籝銧, Boolean& ±ᣦ即㘆ᬝ䭿᨜)
  8. Неверный дескриптор

The system windows 7 rus, 64 bit. Help please. Thank you for your attention.