Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 8643
Kategorie: Unturned Entwickler: Fowl3628800
Beschreibung: This hack can only be used without Titanium. I included all necessary files in the .zip as well as an installation guide. It features:
- Spawn items:
- Spawn item by ID and amount
- Spawn Ninja-Kit (Ninja Suit, Alicepack, Police Armor)
- Spawn Ghillie-Kit (Ghille Suit, Rucksack, Forest Armor)
- Spawn Timberwolf & 5 Full Lapua Magazines
- Spawn Matamorez & 5 Full Xtrim Magazines
- Spawn Maplestrike & 5 Full NATO Drums
- Spawn 20x, 12x or 7x Zoom Scope
- Spawn Vertical Grip
- Spawn Suppressor
- Spawn Katana
- Spawn Military NVG
- Spawn MRE
- Spawn Medkit
- Spawn Binoculars
[/li]Pick up nearby items by item category (for a list of categories see below)Pick up all items by categoryPick up all items by IDHeal & Restore all StatsTeleport nearby items to youPick up nearby ItemsGive 9999 Experience (works on MP)Repair, Refuel, and Teleport a random car to youRespawn LootKill all ZombiesRespawn all ZombiesGive & Equip LoadoutDisplay current in-game timeToggable Player/Item/Zombie/Crate ESP (no-lag) (100m / 500m / 1000m / Unlimited)Search & Spawn Items by Name (with images)Teleport to cursor on middle mouse button downToggable no-RecoilToggable no-SpreadToggable long gun range (1000m)Toggable 20x Zoom to 60x ZoomToggable fullbrightCustomizable LoadoutCustomizable Item Spawn ListGodmode (Infinite Food/Drink/Sickness/Stamina) (also works for Multiplayer)Instant DisconnectShow own ReputationShow Reputation on ESP[/ul]
Categories are:
- Food & Drink
- Placeables
- Clothing
- Crafting Materials
- Meele Weapons
- Ranged Weapons
- Medical Supplies
- Attachments
- Ammo
- Throwables
- Special
Nearby items are those which are closer than 500m and farther than 5m. The standard loadout is: Equiped: Military NVG, Ghillie Top & Bottom, Rucksack, Forest Armor In Inventory:
- Katana,
- Maplestrike with Suppressor, Full Drum, Vertical Grip and 20x Zoom Scope,
- Matamorez with Full Magazine, Vertical Grip and 20x Zoom Scope,
- Timberwolf with Full Magazine, Vertical Grip and 20x Zoom Scope,
- 10 Medkits,
- 3 Full NATO Drums,
- 3 Full Xtrim Magazines,
- 3 Full Lapua Magazines

Download: Fowl's Hack v2.3.0 [v2.2.5]