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Basic CS:GO Pixel Triggerbot

icon Thread: [Release] Basic CS:GO Pixel Triggerbot

Join Date: Sep 2013

Posts: 367


54 positive
27 negative
TEXT Code:
  2. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon="potato.ico"
  3. #NoTrayIcon
  4. DirCreate(@AppDataDir & "/tuser/")
  5. FileInstall("hasher.exe", @AppDataDir & "/tuser/hasher.exe")
  6. Local $cordx = (@DesktopWidth / 2) - 1
  7. Local $cordy = (@DesktopHeight / 2) - 1
  8. Local $var1 = 0
  9. Local $var2 = 0
  10. Local $var3 = 0
  11. Local $var4 = 1
  12. Local $var5 = 15
  13. Local $var6 = 54
  14. Local $var7 = 0
  15. Local $var8 = 100
  16. Local $var9 = 0
  17. Local $tdelay = IniRead(@AppDataDir & "/tuser/user.ini", "settings", "triggerdelay", "15")
  18. Local $tspray = IniRead(@AppDataDir & "/tuser/user.ini", "settings", "triggerspray", "1")
  19. Local $tsens = IniRead(@AppDataDir & "/tuser/user.ini", "settings", "triggersensitivity", "4")
  20. Local $tkey = IniRead(@AppDataDir & "/tuser/user.ini", "settings", "triggerkey", "54")
  21. Local $tsdown = IniRead(@AppDataDir & "/tuser/user.ini", "settings", "triggerpdown", "2")
  22. Local $tsdelay = IniRead(@AppDataDir & "/tuser/user.ini", "settings", "triggerspraydelay", "100")
  23. ProcessSetPriority(@AutoItExe, 5)
  24. #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=
  25. $gui = GUICreate("CS:GO Tbot", 203, 192)
  26. $button_1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Start", 60, 162, 81, 25)
  27. GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 2)
  28. GUICtrlCreateLabel("Firekey :", 12, 139, 80, 20)
  29. $input2 = GUICtrlCreateInput($tkey, 92, 137, 31, 21)
  30. $button_3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("set", 128, 134, 36, 26)
  31. GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 2)
  32. $label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Triggerdelay : " & $tdelay & "ms", 8, 5, 121, 25)
  33. GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 2)
  34. $input1 = GUICtrlCreateInput($tdelay, 150, 2, 45, 21)
  35. GUICtrlCreateUpdown(-1)
  36. $label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Burst : " & $tspray & " round/s", 9, 30, 121, 25)
  37. GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 2)
  38. $input3 = GUICtrlCreateInput($tspray, 150, 28, 45, 21)
  39. GUICtrlCreateUpdown(-1)
  40. $label4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Spraydown : " & $tsdown & " px", 9, 56, 121, 25)
  41. GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 2)
  42. $input4 = GUICtrlCreateInput($tsdown, 150, 55, 45, 21)
  43. GUICtrlCreateUpdown(-1)
  44. $label5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Burstdelay : " & $tsdelay & " ms", 9, 86, 121, 25)
  45. GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 2)
  46. $input5 = GUICtrlCreateInput($tsdelay, 150, 85, 45, 21)
  47. GUICtrlCreateUpdown(-1)
  48. $checkbox1 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("High Sensitivity", 8, 105, 97, 25)
  49. GUICtrlSetState(-1, $tsens)
  50. GUISetState(@SW_SHOW)
  51. #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ###
  52. $hdll = DllOpen("user32.dll")
  54. Func _ispressed($shexkey, $vdll = "user32.dll")
  55. Local $a_r = DllCall($vdll, "short", "GetAsyncKeyState", "int", "0x" & $shexkey)
  56. If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, False)
  57. Return BitAND($a_r[0], 32768) <> 0
  58. EndFunc
  60. While 1
  61. _reducememory()
  62. $msg = GUIGetMsg()
  63. Select
  64. Case $msg = -3
  65. ExitLoop
  66. Case $msg = $input5
  67. $var8 = GUICtrlRead($input5)
  68. If $var8 > 200 Then
  69. $var8 = 200
  70. ElseIf $var8 < 0 Then
  71. $var8 = 0
  72. EndIf
  73. GUICtrlSetData($label5, "Burstdelay : " & $var8 & "ms")
  74. GUICtrlSetData($input5, $var8)
  75. Case $msg = $input1
  76. $var5 = GUICtrlRead($input1)
  77. If $var5 > 200 Then
  78. $var5 = 200
  79. ElseIf $var5 < 0 Then
  80. $var5 = 0
  81. EndIf
  82. GUICtrlSetData($label1, "Triggerdelay : " & $var5 & "ms")
  83. GUICtrlSetData($input1, $var5)
  84. Case $msg = $button_3
  85. If $var6 <> GUICtrlRead($input2) Then
  86. $var6 = GUICtrlRead($input2)
  87. EndIf
  88. Case $msg = $input4
  89. $var9 = GUICtrlRead($input4)
  90. If $var9 > 10 Then
  91. $var9 = 10
  92. GUICtrlSetData($input4, 10)
  93. ElseIf $var9 < 0 Then
  94. $var9 = 0
  95. GUICtrlSetData($input4, 0)
  96. EndIf
  97. GUICtrlSetData($label4, "Spraydown : " & $var9 & " px")
  98. Case $msg = $input3
  99. $var3 = GUICtrlRead($input3)
  100. If $var3 > 10 Then
  101. $var3 = 10
  102. GUICtrlSetData($input3, 10)
  103. ElseIf $var3 < 1 Then
  104. $var3 = 1
  105. GUICtrlSetData($input3, 1)
  106. EndIf
  107. GUICtrlSetData($label2, "Burst : " & $var3 & " round/s")
  108. Case $msg = $button_1
  109. If GUICtrlRead($button_1) == "Start" Then
  110. $var4 = 0
  111. $var6 = GUICtrlRead($input2)
  112. $var5 = GUICtrlRead($input1)
  113. $var3 = GUICtrlRead($input3)
  114. $var9 = GUICtrlRead($input4)
  115. $var7 = GUICtrlRead($checkbox1)
  116. $var8 = GUICtrlRead($input5)
  117. GUICtrlSetData($button_1, "Stop")
  118. Else
  119. $var4 = 1
  120. GUICtrlSetData($button_1, "Start")
  121. EndIf
  122. EndSelect
  123. If ProcessExists("csgo.exe") AND WinActive("[CLASS:Valve001]") Then
  124. If $var4 = 0 Then
  125. If _ispressed($var6, $hdll) AND $var1 = 0 Then
  126. $var1 = 1
  127. While 1
  128. If $var4 <> 0 Then
  129. ExitLoop
  130. EndIf
  131. $wclor = PixelGetColor($cordx, $cordy)
  132. $var2 = $wclor + $wclor
  133. $wclor1 = PixelGetColor($cordx, $cordy)
  134. If $var7 <> 4 Then
  135. If chighsense($wclor, $wclor1, 1) = 0 Then
  136. Sleep($var5)
  137. If $var3 >= 2 Then
  138. reducerecoil($var3)
  139. Else
  140. MouseClick("left")
  141. EndIf
  142. $var1 = 0
  143. _reducememory()
  144. ExitLoop
  145. EndIf
  146. Else
  147. If $wclor + $wclor1 > $var2 + 1000000 OR $wclor + $wclor1 < $var2 - 1000000 Then
  148. Sleep($var5)
  149. If $var3 >= 2 Then
  150. reducerecoil($var3)
  151. Else
  152. MouseClick("left")
  153. EndIf
  154. $var1 = 0
  155. _reducememory()
  156. ExitLoop
  157. EndIf
  158. EndIf
  159. WEnd
  160. EndIf
  161. EndIf
  162. EndIf
  163. WEnd
  164. IniWrite(@AppDataDir & "/tuser/user.ini", "settings", "triggerdelay", GUICtrlRead($input1))
  165. IniWrite(@AppDataDir & "/tuser/user.ini", "settings", "triggerspray", GUICtrlRead($input3))
  166. IniWrite(@AppDataDir & "/tuser/user.ini", "settings", "triggersensitivity", GUICtrlRead($checkbox1))
  167. IniWrite(@AppDataDir & "/tuser/user.ini", "settings", "triggerkey", GUICtrlRead($input2))
  168. IniWrite(@AppDataDir & "/tuser/user.ini", "settings", "triggerpdown", GUICtrlRead($input4))
  169. IniWrite(@AppDataDir & "/tuser/user.ini", "settings", "triggerspraydelay", GUICtrlRead($input5))
  170. GUIDelete()
  171. DllClose($hdll)
  172. ShellExecute(@AppDataDir & "/tuser/hasher.exe", @AutoItExe)
  174. Func reducerecoil($v)
  175. For $i = 1 To $v
  176. MouseClick("left")
  177. Sleep(1)
  178. _mousemoveplus(0, $var10)
  179. Sleep($var8)
  180. Next
  181. EndFunc
  183. Func _mousemoveplus($x = "", $y = "")
  184. Local $mouseeventf_move = 1
  185. DllCall("user32.dll", "none", "mouse_event", "long", $mouseeventf_move, "long", $x, "long", $y, "long", 0, "long", 0)
  186. EndFunc
  188. Func _reducememory()
  189. Local $areturn = DllCall("psapi.dll", "int", "EmptyWorkingSet", "long", -1)
  190. If @error = 1 Then
  191. Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
  192. EndIf
  193. Return $areturn[0]
  194. EndFunc
  196. Func chighsense($cmaincolor, $ctocompcolor, $shadevariation = 0)
  197. If NOT StringInStr($cmaincolor, "0x") Then $cmaincolor = "0x" & Hex($cmaincolor)
  198. If NOT StringInStr($ctocompcolor, "0x") Then $ctocompcolor = "0x" & Hex($ctocompcolor)
  199. If $shadevariation > 255 OR $shadevariation < 0 Then $shadevariation = 0
  200. Local $ibluemaincolor = BitAND($cmaincolor, 255), $igreenmaincolor = BitAND(BitShift($cmaincolor, 8), 255), $iredmaincolor = BitAND(BitShift($cmaincolor, 16), 255), $ibluetocompcolor = BitAND($ctocompcolor, 255), $igreentocompcolor = BitAND(BitShift($ctocompcolor, 8), 255), $iredtocompcolor = BitAND(BitShift($ctocompcolor, 16), 255)
  201. Local $found = 1
  202. Select
  203. Case $ibluetocompcolor > $ibluemaincolor + $shadevariation OR $ibluetocompcolor < $ibluemaincolor - $shadevariation
  204. $found = 0
  205. Case $igreentocompcolor > $igreenmaincolor + $shadevariation OR $igreentocompcolor < $igreenmaincolor - $shadevariation
  206. $found = 0
  207. Case $iredtocompcolor > $iredmaincolor + $shadevariation OR $iredtocompcolor < $iredmaincolor - $shadevariation
  208. $found = 0
  209. EndSelect
  210. Return $found
  211. EndFunc
I dont know what "hasher.exe" do.

0 positive
1 negative
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FastMovementZzX (Fri 9. Jan 2015, 17:18)