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Thread: [Release] WulfCode Trigger | |
Join Date: Aug 2007 Posts: 1957 |
Kategorie: All Points Bulletin Entwickler: darkrain Beschreibung: - Safety increased : - Change filename into a random one after closing the tool. - Change Titlename on startup of the tool. - Changed Variables, Namespaces a.m.m Requirements: AutoIt .Net Framework 4.5 ------------------------------------ Solution for the "Not gonna open!" & "Its Crashing!" problem: 1. Download AutoIt version 3 full 2. Copy&Paste AutoItX3.dll from "C:\Programs File\AutoIt3\AutoIt\" into "C:\autoit\" (create that Folder if it isnt already!) 3. Open Command Prompt as an ‘Adminstrator’ 4. write: cd c:\windows\systems32 [Press Enter] 5. write: regsvr32 c:\autoit\AutoItX3.dll [Press Enter] 6. Prompt will appear with message “registration Succeeded” >>Start as Admin.<< Solution for the "Not gonna shoot!" problem: Window Mode / Bordeless Window Mode. Settings: Delay (Delay before shooting at ppl) After D (After delay - Delay after shooting ppl) AdvancedScanZoneX/Y (ScanZone of Pixelsearch 10x10 is default Center of your screen) Variance (Variance of the color - +/- 10 pixelcolors) Color (Button on the right side of the ColorBox - once u clicked at the button you can click on a color to copy/paste the color youre aiming at to the box/settings) Keys: Key(ALT) - ALT hotkey Mouse(R) - Right Mouse Button (Aim) Save (Saves Settings - XML save) Load (Loads saved Settings - XML Load) Default (Resets everything to the Default values) Exit (Close Tool) My prefered settings for Sniper: Delay: 0 After D: 60 Variance: 40 or 45 Color: Default (for brightness 2.2) ScanzoneX/Y: 10/10 Key: Mouse(R) Screenshots: ![]() Download: WulfCode Triggerbot 1.2 |
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