Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 1957
Kategorie: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Entwickler: fum1n
Beschreibung: Status
- VAC3 Safe (Tested extensively)
- Faceit Safe (Tested extensively)
- ESEA Safe (Not tested extensively)
- ESL Wire Safe (Not tested extensively)
- Name ESP
- Box ESP
- Health Number ESP
- Grenade ESP (Smoke, Flash, HE)
- Launch Counter Strike: Global Offensive as usual.
- Launch the cheat's .exe file and play!
- If nothing happens when you start the cheat's .exe file you are maybe missing the Only registered and activated users can see links., so please download, install and restart your PC.
- If nothing shows in game, but the cheat is loaded, use command "cl_showfps 0" in CS:GO console.
- If ESP is flickering and sometimes boxes disappear, go in CS:GO Video Options and disable "Wait for Vertical Sync" and "Multicore Rendering".
- Make sure you are in full screen mode of the game!

Download: Project 7 Public CS:GO Cheat v2.2