Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 1957
Kategorie: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Entwickler: WasserEsser
Beschreibung: Known Issues
- If you use keyb_event for Bunnyhop (not WPM) remember to choose a different key than VK_SPACE. It doesn't work with VK_SPACE.
- The Triggerbot doesn't work near smokes, i'm using CrosshairID so it's game related.
- If Teamcheck is unchecked, the Triggerbot shoots way too early before being on my Teammate (I still don't know why ) Game related aswell
If you expirience any performance issues with this, try turning off Glow ESP, it takes up to 18 % CPU usage in my tests. Everything else should work fine. (Up to 6 % in my tests)
- Triggerbot
- Customizable Key
- Customizable Delay before shooting
- Ability to turn Teamcheck on/off
- Ability to switch between WPM/mouse_event
- Ability to Toggle
- Turn on/off
- Bunnyhop
- Customizable Hold Key
- Ability to switch between WPM/keybd_event
- Turn on/off
- Glow ESP
- Customizable Team Color (Choose between 7 set color's, default == Green)
- Customizable Enemy Color (Choose between 7 set color's, default == Red)
- Ability to turn on/off Enemy Glow
- Ability to turn on/off Team Glow
- Turn on/off
- Misc
Download: inVincible V2.3