Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 1957
Kategorie: Star Wars Battlefront Entwickler: IChooseYou
Beschreibung: Author: IChooseYou Release Date: 8/17/2016 Files: 1 DLL, 1 EXE 1 INI Optional: Any DLL Injector Protection: SS-Cleaner/Blocker, FF Warnings
Commands (hit ~):
TEXT Code: setfont <id> // where id = 0-6 setaim 0 // no aimbot enabled setaim 1 // target snap enabled (not ff safe) setaim 2 // trigger bot enabled unlimcards 0 unlimcards 1 renderaabb 0 renderaabb 1 // renders axis-aligned boxes around players and pickups rendercorner 0 rendercorner 1 // renders corner boxes around players rendernames 0 rendernames 1 // renders player names getfont // gets the current font setting getaim //gets the current aim setting
Known Issues:
- I've tuned the aimbot to the lowest level possible to avoid FF detection. Trigger bot is much safer to use.
- Unlimited cards have been disabled for Grenades/Powerup Shot. Seems to cause an infinite reload loop.
- Rare crash when leaving game prematurely
- Doesn't support trial version, wait until next update
Console will display a message if you're flagged by FairFight. Run the command: setaim 0 to turn off the aimbot. FairFight will request data from your game client in single player games

- Open Loader.exe
- Select options
- Hit save
- Inject before you join a game (fullscreen, windowed mode, borderless supported)
Added to version 1.1:
- rendernames command
- fixes to command parser
- updated for new game patch
- hit f10 to resume cheats after fairfight messages

Download: ICY Star Wars Internal Hack v1.1 |