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Pirate Galaxy hack [Money request] [need good coder] | #1 |
Join Date: Jun 2013 Posts: 9 |
STORY UK Official Game Website: Only registered and activated users can see links. Pirate Galaxy – The Space Game for PiratesThe space game Pirate Galaxy puts you in the shoes of a smuggler in one of mankind’s last remaining colonies. Pirate Galaxy is an epic space game with numerous planet systems and thousands of quests. To survive, you have to fight your way through the galaxy. Pirate Galaxy: The Empire is Corrupted! While the human colonies were overrun by the Mantis, the empire betrayed and abandoned them. Outnumbered by the enemy, the colonial forces struggled with the increasing power of the alien intruders. Lots of homes were lost, the resistance shattered. The space game’s Vega System, hideout of the colonial forces, fears the rumors of a final attack against their defense. But they also face another threat: smugglers, desperate space game pilots, that betray their own kind just to get their hands on a few valuable Cryonite crystals on the space game system’s rich mining planets. With the Mantis about to attack, will colonial forces and space game outlaws withstand their common enemy? DE Pirate Galaxy – Das Space Game für Piraten Im Space Game Pirate Galaxy startest du als umtriebiger Schmuggler in einem zusammengebrochenen Imperium. Ein wahrlich episches Space Game mit Dutzenden von Planetensystemen und Hunderten von fantastischen Quests warten auf dich. Pirate Galaxy: Das Imperium der Menschheit steht am Abgrund! Die Kolonien wurden von den Mantis überrannt und vom Imperium verraten. Den Eindringlingen völlig unterlegen, erschüttern die kolonialen Streitkräfte unter der wachsenden Macht des Gegners. Das Space Game Vega System, Versteck der kolonialen Streitkräfte, hörte mit Schrecken von einem finalen Angriff der Mantis gegen seine Verteidigung. Doch es gibt eine zweite Bedrohung: Schmuggler, gesetzlose Space Game Piloten, die nicht davor zurückschrecken, ihre eigene Rasse zu verraten, um ein paar der wertvollen Space Game Cryonite-Kristalle zu erbeuten. click to enlarge ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() TEXT Code:
Hack needed: 3D Radar: - Bounding Box (None, 2D, 3D) - Box Size - 2D Line - Player Name ESP - Player Distance ESP - Player Health ESP - Enemy ESP - Enemy Name ESP - Enemy Distance ESP - Enemy Health ESP - Show Friendly - Show Enemy - Max Distance Colors: - Customizable Enemy Invisible Color - Customizable Enemy Visible Color - Customizable Friendly Invisible Color - Customizable Friendly Visible Color - Customizable Menu Color - Customizable Can See You Color - Customizable Is Visible Color - Customizable Menu Transparency 2D Radar: - Show Radar - Show Cross - Show Dot - Show Friendly - Show Enemy - Radar Scale - Window Size - Cross Size - Dot Size IF YOU HAVE CODING SKILL , Feel free to apply. you get paid after doing a cheat video presentation. to prove that the cheat is working properly. payment method: paypal __________________ Freedom of expression is like the air we breathe, we don't feel it, until people take it away from us.For this reason, Je suis Charlie, not because I endorse everything they published, but because I cherish the right to speak out freely without risk even when it offends others. And no, you cannot just take someone's life for whatever he/she expressed. Hence this "Je suis Charlie" edition. - #JeSuisCharlie Only registered and activated users can see links. Last edited by UndeadCh3ter (Sat 22. Aug 2015, 13:59)
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