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OldSchoolHack BP TF2 RC58

icon OldSchoolHack BP TF2 RC58 #1

Join Date: Aug 2007

Posts: 8643


199 positive
33 negative
OldSchoolHack - BP - Team Fortress 2 - RC58
by KN4CK3R

0. injector and dll must have the SAME name (osh.exe, osh.dll or whatever)
1. start TF2
2. start injector
3. read the infos in the TF2 console
4. play

Q: How do I open the menu?
A: Press Insert / Einfügen.

Q: The game often crashes for me.
A: Try out the windowmode.

Q: Why can't I move the mouse?
A: You only can move the GUI mouse if you are ingame.

Need more help?

-Offset Updates


- Crosshair

- sv_cheats Bypass
- sv_consistency Bypass
- Modelwireframe
- no Particles
- Fullbrightmode
- no Sky

- ESP Box
- ESP Name
- ESP Healthbar
- Radar
- Radar Name
- Radar Healthbar

happy fragging
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Download OldSchoolHack BP TF2 RC58


icon #2

Join Date: Oct 2012

Posts: 3

Uhm. sir. about the latest Old school hack on team fortress 2. can that work on 64 bit windows 7? I cant seem to run it.. it shows the logo of the program, then it vanishes(like the older ones) but I does not work anymore the OLD SCHOOL HACK by KN4CK3R that should be on the stop screen does not appear. Does it work on 64 bit? or only for 32 bit? If I may ask. can you please tell me about an alternative solution on running this.. I tried other injectors and I doesnt seem to work. or double cheack it(please) if its really working.. thank you. and Goodluck
icon #3

Join Date: Oct 2012

Posts: 1

18. Oktober war ein Update, wurde ich gebannt?