Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 411
Kategorie: Tools Entwickler: evolution536
Beschreibung: Welcome to the release thread of CrySearch. CrySearch is a project I have been working on by myself, for almost half a year now. It mainly is a project of which I desired to learn as much as possible. CrySearch does not contain any copypasta, because I like to write everything myself, preferrably as optimized as possible. CrySearch is a Cheat Engine-like application, but because my taste and feel is different, my application works in quite a different way, with quite a lot of features that are not included in Cheat Engine. I designed the user interface in a way that the toolbar should provide program flow for the user. Cheat Engine's user interface is very populated and the actual disassembling tools are particularly hidden away in the memory viewer. I tend to differ from this approach.
- Accessing processes remotely, also system processes when running as Administrator;
- Memory scanning for primitive types, strings and byte sequences;
- Filtering scan results (a.k.a. Next scan);
- Supports relative addresses and offsets;
- Creating, saving and reusing address tables containing scan results.
- Changing values at memory addresses and freeze them;
- Viewing PE (Portable Executable) information about the opened process;
- Viewing and dumping sections;
- Viewing threads, change priority, suspend, resume and create threads remotely;
- Viewing, injecting, ejecting, dumping and hiding modules, and restore PE headers from a file on the disk;
- Allocating memory blocks remotely;
- Generating code snippets from address tables;
- Hotkeys to automate actions that do not require user input;
- Viewing import address table of loaded process and its modules;
- Settings hooks on the IAT of a process and its modules and restoring export addresses;
- Viewing PEB and TEB's for loaded process and its threads, including manipulation of certain associated information;
- Viewing and closing handles in the loaded process;
- Disassembling executable pages in a process to provide memory view and program flow control;
- Walking heaps in the opened process as side feature of the disassembler;
- Debugging executable code and data to find out what the flow of a program is;
- Plugin system featuring CrySearch extensions to be written in MASM, C or C++;
- Generate signatures and byte-arrays from selected disassembly;
- Create memory dissections of specific parts of the process' memory and save them to the address table.
Credits: @learn_more : for being a great help all the time. Taught me a lot of things and helped me out with coding issues; @Geertje123 : for testing the application and giving user-oriented feedback. He helped me out a lot with improving the user interface @Killamachine : for testing the application and handing me a few bugs in the user interface.

Download: CrySearch Memory Scanner v1.14