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Unity Suite v2.0

icon Unity Suite v2.0 #1

Join Date: Aug 2007

Posts: 1957

Kategorie: Tools
Entwickler: jumboperson187 ; mambda

Now supports both x86 and x64.


Unzip all the stuff into a directory. You should have:
  • settings.ini, settings for all the stuff below
  • Unity_Internals.dll, mono injector
  • Unity_Internals_x86.dll, x86 mono injector
  • UnityGameObject.dll, dll to test injection
  • UnityInject.exe, Injector for the Unity_Internals.dll
  • Loader.cs, example Loader class
  • Menu.cs, example Menu class
  • UnityWebDumper.exe, for dumping Unity Web Player assemblies.

Next add an environment variable UNITY_SUITE_SETTINGS as full path to the settings.ini file. (ex: C:\UnitySuite\settings.ini)

Step 1: Go to Only registered and activated users can see links. and download both the x86 and x64 files and install them.
Step 2: Download Unity Hacking Suite.
Step 3: Extract/Copy/Move Unity Hacking Suite somewhere nice and easy to access (ie: C:\UnitySuite\).
Step 4: Download BankrollMafia.dll
Step 5: Extract/Copy/Move BankrollMafia.dll into where you put UnityHackingSuite (ie: C:\UnitySuite\BankrollMafia.dll).

This is what your folder should look like:

Step 6: Go to where you installed Unity Hacking Suite and open SETTINGS.INI with notepad (ie: C:\UnitySuite\settings.ini).
Step 7: Edit the Path line appropriately.  Following the above example: path=C:\UnitySuite\BankrollMafia.dll
Step 8: Edit the Target line to say the following: target=Unturned.exe

This is what your settings.ini should look like when you're done editing:

Step 9: Go to your control panel (Windows Logo + C on your keyboard.
Step 10: Type: Environment in the upper right corner of your Control Panel.
Step 12: Click on "Edit the system environment variables".

This is where you type, and then where you click:

Step 11: When the System Properties box opens up, click on the "Environment Variables ..." button in the bottom right corner.
Step 12: On the next box click the "New..." button under System variables.

Make sure you click THIS New... button:

Step 13: Variable name: UNITY_SUITE_SETTINGS
Step 14: Variable Value: C:\UnitySuite\settings.ini

This is exactly what you should see when you're done typing:

Step 15: Load Unturned.
Step 16: Run UnityInject.exe in your UnitySuite folder (ie: C:\UnitySuite\UnityInject.exe)

Step 17: Hit DEL on your keyboard to open and configure the hack!


Unity Suite v2.0