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Go to first new post [Release] BF1 Internal Hack (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page) Posted on: Thu 20. Oct 2016, 22:43


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Quote from System post
Kategorie: Battlefield 1
Entwickler: Tonyx97

ESP Features:
-Use NUMPAD0 to show/hide the menu.
-Enable/disable ESP
-ESP Distance: Render the distance you want.
-Show Friends: Enable this when you want to see your friends or teammates.
-Show Bones: Enable this if you want to see the player bones.
-Show Names: Enable this if you want to see the players names.
-Show HP: Enable or disable to show the HP bar.
-Show Distance: Enable or disable to show the distance to the enemy.
-Show FOV Circle: If you have the aimbot enabled and the enemy is inside of your circle the aimbot will aim to him.

Aimbot Features:
-Enable/disable Aimbot (Right Mouse button and Left Alt to use aimbot)
-Prioritize distance: Enabling this will make you aim depending in 2 things: the fov and the distance you are from the enemy. (IT'S BETTER TO ENABLE THIS)
-Max Distance: Choose a max distance where the aimbot will work.
-FOV: Max aimbot FOV to aim better.
-Smooth Factor: Recommended to keep this a bit low, less than 0.1.
-Retarget Time: Time the aimbot will pause to change between targets.
-Bones: Choose one of 3 bones available now to aim.
-Random Bones: Watch out with this. Use this only when your smooth factor is very low because the aimbot will aim randomly to each random bone so if you have a high smooth factor it'll snap fast to each bone.

Misc Features:
-No Sway/Recoil (can be risky)
-Instant Hit (can be risky)

Anti-Cheat Features:
-DX11 Screen Cleaner (Just in case although PB is disabled in this game)
-BitBlt Screen Cleaner (For FF)

To open the menu press "END" button which is under the "HOME" one.
Press F8 to close the hack.

Known Issues:
-I'd like to get a feedback of this hack because I want to improve the aimbot a lot more.
-Sometimes randomly the map changes the color due to some problems saving the DX buffer I guess.
-Don't rage if you don't want to get banned. Play normally with cheats.


-When you inject the hack you should press the key "END" to enable the hack.
-Game should be fullscreen windowed (BORDERLESS).
-Download Redistributable x64 2015 in windows official site.


BF1 Internal Hack v1.1
Battlefield 1

Thu 12. Nov 2020, 19:53

by snooup Go to last post
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Go to first new post [Release] BF1 Internal Hack (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page) Posted on: Thu 20. Oct 2016, 22:43


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how to countorl with hack after i pree 0 key ?? 
Battlefield 1

Thu 12. Nov 2020, 19:53

by snooup Go to last post
206 60707
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