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[Release] UC Radar
Posted on: Sat 15. Nov 2014, 12:12
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Quote from Thomaslll  what programm do i need to open it -.- 1. You dont open it, you inject it. 2. On the download page is a big button which leads to the FAQ...
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive |
Sun 16. Nov 2014, 15:06
by qwertpatrick
8 |
1884 |
[Release] FPS Cookie (leaked)
Posted on: Thu 20. Aug 2009, 18:19
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Quote from jallalah  please fix link the hack is deleted you just pushed (as the guys before) the thread which is 5 years old..
Battlefield 2 |
Fri 14. Nov 2014, 21:06
by Olmoody
6 |
4823 |
[Release] Battlefield 4 - UnlockALL
Posted on: Fri 10. Oct 2014, 12:11
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Quote from procampr  I'm selecting my prefferd guns but when I deploy its nothing on my hands :p lol Only Attachments work, you sadly can´t choose a weapon you havent unlocked :c^^
Battlefield 4 |
Fri 14. Nov 2014, 17:09
by biebiurPL
8 |
6678 |
[Release] Rei [00] - Advanced Warfare
Posted on: Sat 8. Nov 2014, 20:55
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Quote from M0ri96  Der Hack, ist solang von VAC Undetected bis VAC ins Spiel kommt. Momentan liegt kein Hackschutz von Valve (Steam) vor. Der Hack ist aber nicht gegen Reports von Spielern "undetected" VAC ist (angeblicht) deaktiviert aber schon vorhanden. Ich zweifle allerdings nicht daran, dass VAC angeschaltet ist aber noch keine Bans verteilen soll. War in den vorherigen teilen auch schon so, in den ersten beiden Monaten haben alle gecheatet und in dem Moment indem VAC angeblich "hinzugefügt" wurde ist jeder gebannt worden der einen Hack genutzt hat der schon durch VAC gebustet wurde.
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare |
Wed 12. Nov 2014, 20:05
by M0ri96
7 |
5896 |
[Help] Help me!
Posted on: Wed 12. Nov 2014, 17:47
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Quote from NormalPerson101  I am a huge noob in files and stuff.. I downloaded a PAYDAY 2 file to hack etc. After the download i opened it with winrar and i putted the files under PAYDAY 2. But when I am in game, nothing works, am I doing something wrong or what? putting it at the wrong place? Some please help! The PD2 Hacks you can find here are outdated.
Payday 2 |
Wed 12. Nov 2014, 19:20
by Olmoody
1 |
464 |
[Release] Turb0z's Public External v0.7
( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)
Posted on: Thu 14. Aug 2014, 00:25
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Quote from jerpsiOSH  Quote from lediv  It seems undetected to me. Im still using it. Mby u opened something else that was detected? Enjoy while you still can, it has been detected and you're about to be banned with a small delay. It's a normal procedure from VAC. If he´s lucky he won´t get banned, had the same with the OSH Fusion 1 month ago, I used it without getting banned on that account and a friend used it and got banned after 1 day.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive |
Wed 12. Nov 2014, 15:39
by fronkilen
158 |
21780 |
[Release] Turb0z's Public External v0.7
( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)
Posted on: Thu 14. Aug 2014, 00:25
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Quote from kinzo123  Welcher Spasti !! Packt eine einzige exe Datei in einen Ordner??? Habt ihr keinen Launcher ihr spasten? Die Seite hatte definitiv mal mehr Hype, nun versteht sich warum die Seite am arsch ist, nur Dreck wird hochgeladen. Und du gehst jetzt ersteinmal deine Medikamente nehmen und kommst runter.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive |
Wed 12. Nov 2014, 15:39
by fronkilen
158 |
21780 |
[Release] [AW Multiplayer 1.3.112] Force Hoster Beta
Posted on: Mon 10. Nov 2014, 17:38
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Quote from Huccix1  Hey, can i get banned, when i put this code in my confiq_mp file? Without using the tool! Only the code? Or maybe deranke? Won´t work. If you don´t use the Force Host tool your not able to make an XP Lobby.
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare |
Wed 12. Nov 2014, 15:31
by h4usi
4 |
2068 |
[Release] MW3 Private Lobby Trainer
Posted on: Mon 10. Nov 2014, 22:51
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Kategorie: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3Entwickler: TheDarkdawn Beschreibung: How to use: Start the Trainer as Administator (to make it easier start the game in Windowed Mode, but you dont have to) Features: Unlimited Ammo Unlimited Grenades (If you use a Rifle Grenade Launcher it will have unlimited ammo instead of unlimited Tactical grenades) GodMode It´s for PRIVATE lobbys only! Use at your own risk!Credits: TheDarkdawn (me) Reckz0r (testing) Download: MW3 Private Lobby Trainer
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 |
Mon 10. Nov 2014, 22:51
by Olmoody
0 |
2376 |
[Release] MW3 Singleplayer Trainer
Posted on: Mon 10. Nov 2014, 22:49
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Kategorie: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3Entwickler: TheDarkdawn Beschreibung: How to use: Start the Trainer as Administator (to make it easier start the game in Windowed Mode, but you dont have to) Features: Unlimited Ammo Unlimited Grenades GodMode Unlimited Equipment (Claymores, C4, Grenade Launcher) Credits: TheDarkdawn (me) Reckz0r Download: MW3 Singleplayer Trainer
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 |
Mon 10. Nov 2014, 22:49
by Olmoody
0 |
5652 |
[Release] CSGO external radar PRE ALPHA
Posted on: Sat 8. Nov 2014, 22:09
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Quote from chrischi1  Geht er noch ?? Der ist in AutoIT geschrieben, riskieren würd ichs nicht..^^
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive |
Sun 9. Nov 2014, 22:46
by Olmoody
4 |
1742 |
[Tutorial] How to Apply a Nametag to the C4
Posted on: Fri 7. Nov 2014, 13:47
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Ist zwar alt aber gut dass dus hier nochmal erklärst^^
Tutorials |
Fri 7. Nov 2014, 14:37
by Olmoody
1 |
1117 |
[Help] Injectors
Posted on: Mon 27. Oct 2014, 23:22
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Quote from ThatOneGuy  Hello everybody, got a problem. I recently started hacking again after almost a year and decided to get some dll injectors from my favorite site for Team Fortress 2.
But the problem is, I can't seem to get the injectors to inject the dll files into the game. I always get some sort of error no matter what injector, or dll, I use. would be good if you post the error message
Tools |
Mon 3. Nov 2014, 01:35
by xst
2 |
495 |
Steam Trading Hack
Posted on: Sat 1. Nov 2014, 15:27
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Quote from TheBlackout627  Hey Guys, I'm new on this site and hope you can help me. Mybe you know that hacks exist, where you can trade things without their permission. Do someone have such a hack, and can I get banned. Or can I only get banned, when I'm using it all time? Hope you can help me with both. I u Blackout I dont think that such a hack exists, I dont know how the trade system works but I´m pretty sure that it´s serversided and you would need to hack the system to be able to do such things (would be dumb if they made a clientsided system..).
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive |
Sun 2. Nov 2014, 01:45
by Olmoody
3 |
1043 |
Steam Trading Hack
Posted on: Sat 1. Nov 2014, 15:27
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Quote from Darknightx37  in germany you can get 4 years arrested in prison for fishing i wouldn´t do things like that *phishing and its not phishing its scamming..
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive |
Sun 2. Nov 2014, 01:45
by Olmoody
3 |
1043 |
[Release] Ghosts Adress List V-3.10.X
Posted on: Tue 14. Oct 2014, 15:26
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Das sind die Adressen, Coden müsst ihrs schon selbst. ____________________________________________________ This are the adresses, you have to program it on your own.
Call of Duty: Ghosts |
Wed 15. Oct 2014, 15:44
by Olmoody
5 |
5077 |
[Question] i got vac ban ? :(
Posted on: Tue 14. Oct 2014, 15:43
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Quote from Justpr  Quote from Dr_Pepper;78523 Obviously this is an Overwatch ban. so why its says vac is on good standing? + when i start comp game its said that my cooldown not end for me .. its cooldown or something ? You will only get VAC Banned if the Hack is detectet. Overwatchban = You played to Obvious and are now banned on CS:GO Servers.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive |
Wed 15. Oct 2014, 02:02
by SilverFire
4 |
550 |
[Release] External Triggabot
( 1 2)
Posted on: Tue 3. Jun 2014, 18:57
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Quote from König159 ne wir sind sogar 4 imaginäre ich feier dich zu laut Gehweg du dämon
Counter-Strike: Source |
Tue 14. Oct 2014, 17:02
by Klimpen:D
37 |
3051 |
[Help] private hack kaufen. was muss ich beachten?
Posted on: Mon 13. Oct 2014, 10:12
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x22 - nicht empfohlen, spielt sich komisch und hat trotz ausgestellten Features auffälliges NoRecoil/NoSpread verhalten + hohe Bangefahr durch VAC. Aimjunkies - War mal empfehlenswert, hat aber in letzter Zeit viele VAC Bans gegeben (seit enführung der PSC zahlung). TMCheats - Relativ gut, keine Ahnung wie es derzeit mit VAC Banrates aussieht, einige Features sind nicht so extrem gut ausgeprägt (z.B. keine Aimbonescan also fester Aimbone). SystemCheats - Sehr gut (Wallhack Only, dafür nur 5,95€/Monat, mir ist noch kein VAC Ban aus näherem Kreise bekannt, ausserdem wird ein Aimbot in meinen Augen nicht benötigt, wird früher oder Später durch OW member sowieso bemerkt). Hoffe ich konnte helfen
Laberecke |
Tue 14. Oct 2014, 15:25
by Olmoody
4 |
804 |
Ganz neuen ESL Account machen?
Posted on: Sun 12. Oct 2014, 12:26
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Quote from Wishmaster  Und das reicht, weil bei google bei anderen Forum schreiben sie alle was von mainboard neu kaufen und sowas...
Festplatte ID IP Internet mac ändern reicht doch oder? Also bei HWID gehe ich immer von allen ID´s aus weil ichs nicht genau sagen kann^^
Counter-Strike: Source |
Sun 12. Oct 2014, 23:25
by Olmoody
3 |
658 |