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Adjustment question to Windows 10

icon Adjustment question to Windows 10 #1

Anmeldungsdatum: Jan 2016

Beiträge: 3

I have a question about changes needed to make a hack work on windows 10 . 
Oldschool fusion works for bad company 2 on windows 10 . Can anyone advise on what changes are needed 
I know it needs visual studio versions in both 32 and 64 bit , dx9 , netframework 3.5 , dep off , and no firewall or antivirus running. 

I have a hack that works on windows xp and windows 7 , but will not work with windows 8 or 10 .  I know the hack dll needs access to certain library's and the hack.dll needs to be configured to use them. What makes windows 10 different when the dx9. system files , and visual studio  are all in same directory as windows 7 ?
