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bc2ext v3.1 Probleme

icon bc2ext v3.1 Probleme #1

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2011

Beiträge: 24

ich hab mir gerade den bc2ext v3.1 für BFBC2 runtergeladen, aber ich hab ein problem. Der Hack funktioniert nur so halb. Wenn ich das Spiel starte geht noch alles, aber wenn ich auf einen Server drauf joine, verschwindet der hack auf einmal. :S

mfg Keks33

icon #2

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2011

Beiträge: 24

Schon gut. Für alle die das problem auch haben : Den Host Process als Admin starten, dann gehts.
icon #3

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007

Beiträge: 8643


199 positiv
33 negativ
- make sure you have the latest 'DirectX Runtime Files' installed otherwise download here -> Download Details - Microsoft Download Center - DirectX End-User Runtime
- make sure you have 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)' installed otherwise download here -> Download Details - Microsoft Download Center - Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)
- make sure you have 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86)' installed otherwise download here -> Download Details - Microsoft Download Center - Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86)
- make sure you are on windows vista or 7 with aero design enabled
- make sure bc2 isn't started already

running the hack for the first time:
step 1:
- unpack bc2ext_v3.rar to any place
- you may rename bc2ext_v3.exe (the config file will use the filename of the hack. example: bc2ext_v3.exe -> bc2ext_v3.ini)

step 2:
- start the hack exefile
- accept when the UAC message blinks up (this is to force running the hack with admin rights)
- you should see this. read it carefully
- you will see this message every time you start the hack
- make sure to click yes and visit the webpage to know wheter the hack is detected or not! this is for your own safety.

step 3:
- if your bc2 is configured to run in window mode skip this step
- you should see this
- you can later use psuedo fullscreen mode that comes with this hack which has the same effect.
- click yes so the hack changes your bc2 configuration to run in windowed mode

step 4:
- if your bc2 resolution is the same as your desktop resolution skip this step
- you should see this
- click yes if you want to play in pseudo fullscreen mode later.

step 5:
- if you play in Dx9 mode skip this step
- you should see this
- if you have a good graphics card click no. otherwise click yes so the hack changes your bc2 config to run in Dx9 mode

step 6:
- you should see the hack window
- the hack will run inside another process called host process
- just spawn your own 32bit host process and select it in the dropdown menu (utorrent.exe, winword.exe, firefox.exe, opera.exe, calc.exe, whatever ...)
- IMPORTANT: spawn your host process with admin rights -> right click -> Run as administrator (if you don't you will probably encounter strange bugs)
- when you close the host process the hack will exit too
- when you close the hack the host process will exit too
- click the h4x! button
- you should see a console window popping up that contains a text 'searching'
- now start bc2

using the hack:
- when bc2 is started the console text should change to 'running'
- you should see the hack already when switching to bc2 window
- press HOME key to view the menu
- use UPARROW DOWNARROW keys to navigate through menu
- USE LEFTARROW RIGHTARROW keys to change settings
- to setup the aimbot key goto aimbot menu part and change the 'Aimbot Key VCode' setting
- you should see the following red text blinking
- press a key and watch the setting changing
- Tweak Aim @ 0.0 aims at the head (decrease it to aim lower, experiment to find out)

additional info:
- if the chiptune at program start annoys you disable sound for the executable inside 'Volume Mixer' which is part of windows
- if you already use Dx9 mode and fps are still low try to lower BC2 graphics settings such as Shadows, HBAO, Antialiasing, Anistrophic Filtering
also disable transparency on windows -> Um Links zu sehen, musst du dich registrieren
also set Outline Effect in hack menu to OFF. this should give you a good fps boost.
- if you want to reset all settings delete the ini file inside the hack executable directory
- if you want to change BC2 settings manually like DxVersion, Fullscreen goto '..\My Documents\BFBC2\settings.ini'

ok thats it for now. dunno if i forgot something.
weapon esp seemed not useful for me. the same goes for friend esp.
as always feedback is welcome. if you spot any bugs please report. if you have any suggestions please let me know.
für alle die auch probs haben

greetz KN4CK3R


icon #4

Anmeldungsdatum: Mär 2010

Beiträge: 11

der ist DETECTED


(?)  :schaden: