OldSchoolHack injected - Call of Duty 4 - v5 | #1 | |
Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007 Beiträge: 8643 Benutzer-Bewertung: 199 positiv
33 negativ
all crashes should be fixed OldSchoolHack injected - of Duty 4 - v5 Coder: KN4CK3R WWW: www.oldschoolhack.de GameVersion: 1.7 no PB proofness Changes: -fixed some gui issues -added waypointmanager -added ingame mirc -added a different version for the crash-people known bugs: -causes crash when alt-tabbing Features: -ingamemenu (ins/einfg) -full movable (restore position with ctrl+ins / strg+einfg) -ingame helpsystem Aimbot -simple aimbot -triggerbot -aimkey -aimregion -smoothaim -aimtype -aimvecz -aimatteam (FFA ) -autoshoot -predict target -semi -aimthrough -automelee -helicopteraim Visual Stuff -ESP --playername --distance --class --weapon --bone -- --dot --enemy only --explosive --entity --helicopter -Visuals --chams --fullbright -Memory Hacks --nametags --wallhack --lasersight --smallcross -Removals --no spread --no smoke --no shellshock --no sky --no scope Radar -2D radar --windowsize --range --playername --helicopter --enemy only --altitude --backgroundstyle --dotstyle -patch ingame radar Misc -Extras --serverinfo/statsbox --time --namesteal --thirdperson -Crosshairmanager --customizable crosshairs Colors -change all used colors Console -simple ingame console Winamp -full check on winamp Fonts -change the used fonts Waypoint -set waypoints for the bot to walk to mIRC -full check on mIRC -chat ingame with your friends OldSchoolHack injected - Call of Duty 4 - v5 __________________ Hallo |
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