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Combat Arms VIP Hack (GHBSYS) 2014 | #1 |
Anmeldungsdatum: Nov 2013 Beiträge: 20 Benutzer-Bewertung: 1 positiv
1 negativ
Kategorie: Combat Arms Entwickler: GHBSys Beschreibung: -D3D- *WallHack - See PlayerModel throw Walls. *WireFrame - See PlayerModel in WireFrame. *PointFrame - See PlayerModel in PointFrame. *Chams - Colored PlayerModels with WallHack. *GlassWalls - GlassWall Effect. *WhiteWalls - WhiteWall Effect. *No Hands - Your Hands are hidden. *D3D Crosshair - Draw your own colored Crosshair in middle of Screen. *Full Bright - More light in the World. *HD-View - View Map with more light, more color, more details. *No Fog - Removes Fog. *No Smoke - Removes Smoke. *Player Glow - Draw Glow around PlayerModel. *Windowed - Windowed Mode, Minimize Game to see Effect. *Show FPS - Show Current FPS. -Aimb0t- *AimBot - Turn Aimbot ON/OFF *AimKey - Select Aimkey to aim with, OFF is AutoAim. *TargetBone - Select the Bone where to Aim. *LockOn - Locks on the selected Target. *HitScan - Scan for visible Bones if Target Bone of player is not visible. *AimType - Aim by Distance, Crosshair, Health, OFF is Distance. *AimFOV - Aim in Field Of View. *Smoothness - Smoothness factor of Aimbot. *TeleKill - Teleport to Enemys to kill them. *AutoShoot - Let the Aimbot auto shot if target found. *TeamCheck - Select on wich Team to aim, OFF is EnemyOnly. *DisableVisibleCheck - Disables the Visible Check to aim throw Walls. -Radar & ESP- *Enemy Only - Display ESP on Enemys only. *Radar - Draw Radar. *Name ESP - Draw Player Name *Distance ESP - Show Distance to Players *Rank ESP - Show Player Rank, 1 - Short Names, 2 - Long Names *Line ESP - Draw Lines in 2 different ways. *Health ESP - Draw Players Health. *Armor ESP - Draw Players Armor. *Bone ESP - Draw Players Skeleton with Lines. *Grenade ESP - Draw Circle around Nades and Warning Message. *Pickup ESP - Draw Blue Circle around PickupItems. *EngineChams - NX Chams. *EngineWireframe - NX WireFrame. *2D Boxes - 2D Box around Player. *Skeleton - Draw Skeleton of Player only. -AIM-Related- *Zoom - Right mouse click to zoom. *No Recoil - No Recoil for Weapons. *No Spread - No Bullet Spread for Weapons. *No CamDamage - No Camera shake if you get hit. *Tracers - Bullet tracer lines, will stay for the full game round! -PlayerStuff- *PickUp Hack[C] - Press 'C' to get all PickUp's on the Game World in front of you. *Unl. PickupRange - Disable the Pickup range limit. *Unl. WeaponRange - Disable the Weapon range limit. *RapidFire - Lets you shot really fast while you press Left Mouse button. (Currently removed) *SuperBullets - Shot throw Walls. (Currently removed) *NoReload - No Reload, bullets wont hurt after the first round. (Currently removed) *Invisible - No one can see you. *GhostMode[X] - Press 'X' to fly around as ghost, default movement keys will move your real char. *RemoteKill - Sort of OPK / MassKill (Currently removed) *InstantRespawn - No delay to respawn into the fight. ( works only for NA ) *Gravity Hack - Disable Gravity. *Glitch/Fly Speed - Adjust Glitch and Fly Speed factor. *FlyToView - Press 'G' to fly in your view direction, Z[UP], H[DOWN]. *Fly Hags - Alternative Fly Hags, Press 'SPACE' to use. *Speedhack - Move faster. *Hide Gun - Hides your Gun. *HighJump - SuperJump ( all over factor 6 will let you die after cooming back down ). *No Weapon Sway - No Weapon movement while scoped in. *No Breath - No Breath. *Suicide - SelfKill yourself. -Misc & Settings- *Spammer - Advertise for GHB-Hacks. you may get reported and banned for that. *VoiceSpammer - Spam Voice Messages, other users cannot find out who is spamming. *Server Crasher - Let the whole game crash for all players. Use it if you get kicked. *Show SideBar - Show/Hide SideBar Screenshots: ![]() Download: Combat Arms VIP Hack (GHBSYS) 2014 |
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