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CSFhook The Final Version [Anti-Cheat Bypass] | #1 |
Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007 Beiträge: 1957 |
Kategorie: Counter-Strike 1.6 Entwickler: CSFmeed Beschreibung: sXe status: Undetected How To Use: ▪ Abrir sXe-Injected ▪ Abrir Counter-Strike 1.6 (No Steam v23b) ▪ Abrir CSFLoader and Click Load ▪ Have Fun! good game friends... Keys: F4 - Menu OS: [win7,8.1pro / x86 | XP x86/x64] Features: :: Aimbot ▪ nospread - 0,2 (Counter the bullet spread of your weapon all the time.) ▪ norecoil - 0,2 (Remove the shake effect and will counter the recoil of your weapon.) ▪ aimbot - 0,1 (Move your crosshair to your enemy when you shoot them.) ▪ aim_dm - 0,1 ▪ silentaim - 0,1 (Make the aimbot invisible for your eye and in a recorded demo by you.) ▪ antiscreenshot - (Automatic admin clean Image data.) ▪ aim_thru - 0,1 (This will make the aimbot work at enemies which are behind walls.) ▪ aim_smooth - 0,1 ▪ aim_fov - 10,360 (Choose your aiming Field Of View check, the lower - the smaller area detection, the biggest - turnaround aimbot.) ▪ aim_auto - 0,1 (Automaticly aim at the nearest to FOV/Crosshair enemy.) ▪ aim_sort - 0,1 ▪ aim_helper - 0,1 :: OpenqL ▪ oqL_xqzwall - 0,1 (Makes only players and weapons visible behind walls.) ▪ oqL_asuswall - 0,1 (Makes walls transparent and allows you to see player behind them.) ▪ oqL_lambert - 0,1 (Makes player models and weapons fully bright.) ▪ oqL_colorlambert - 0,1 ▪ oqL_nightmode - 0,1 (Reverses the light in dark and light places.) ▪ oqL_niggermode - 0,1 (Makes player models in a reversed colors.) ▪ oqL_whitewall - 0,1 (Makes walls fully white.) ▪ oqL_fullbright - 0,1 (Makes walls fully bright even in the darkest spot.) ▪ oqL_nightvision - 0,1 ▪ oqL_wiremodels - 0,1 (Makes players and weapons wireframed.) ▪ oqL_multicolored - 0,1 :: Remove ▪ remove_nosky - 0,1 (Removes the sky.) ▪ remove_redeffect - 0,1 ▪ remove_blueffect - 0,1 ▪ remove_nosmoke - 0,1 (Removes the smoke effect.) ▪ remove_noflash - 0,1 (Removes the flashbang effect.) :: Esp ▪ esp_box - 0,1 (Choose between transparent and solid BoxEsp.) ▪ esp_boxvis - 0,1 ▪ esp_name - 0,1 (Shows the name of your enemy.) ▪ esp_entity - 0,1 (Shows on the ground dropped weapons and c4.) ▪ esp_weapon - 0,1 (Shows what weapon the enemy is carrying.) ▪ esp_distance - 0,1 (Shows the distance between you and your enemy.) ▪ esp_relod - 0,1 :: Misc ▪ misc_crosshair - 0,1 (Choose your desired crosshair.) ▪ misc_spinhack - 0,1 ▪ misc_spinspeed - 1,9 ▪ misc_glowshells - 0,1 (Enable this to make players glow.) ▪ misc_quakeguns - 0,2 (Enable this to center your weapon when you are right handed (cl_righthand 1) ▪ misc_chasecam - 0,1 (Allows you to see your own player from behind.) ▪ misc_bhop - 0,1 (Allows you to keep on jumping without the slowing effect.) ▪ misc_autostrafe - 0,1 (Automaticly strafes when you are in mid air.) ▪ misc_invertedvis - 0,1 ▪ misc_zoom - 0,1 :: Camera ▪ cam - 0,1 ▪ cam_back - 10,150 ▪ cam_up - 1,15 ▪ cam_side - 0,1 ▪ cam_spec - 0,1 :: Radar ▪ radar - 0,1 ▪ radar_s - 0,300 ▪ radar_x - 90,500 ▪ radar_y - 100,500 ▪ radar_mini - 0,1 ▪ radar_minisize - 10,300 Screenshots: ![]() Download: CSFhook The Final Version [Anti-Cheat Bypass] |
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