Anmeldungsdatum: Mai 2015
Beiträge: 7
Zitat von ma710610  Zitat von hackerprof  Zitat von ma710610  well Steam just updated 10min ago, Its doesn't work now.
May you update a new Version? NO MORE UPDATE ! Because Stupid World Kids Saying it's detected but it's not detected & i tested it 59 times NO VAC ! ITS UD!, i tried tmr night~ Just ignore them professor!! They are just trolling. They cant proof its Detected. We need you. I have been using your hack like three month. Your hack is the only one work for me Something like Polyloader's Hacks isnt work for me.......... You hack is simple to use. It can be better if there can config the hotkey for aimbot-shooting. Mouse2 change to Mouse1. btw love you +1!!! Please update this, it's the best hack in CSGO!! Don't listen to the stupid kids, they only do it to annoy you - all of us loyal users care and know it's UD! |