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Internal/External Customizable Multi-Hack | #1 |
Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007 Beiträge: 1957 |
Kategorie: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Entwickler: Puddin Poppin Beschreibung: Aimbot: ActivationKey(int) - VirtualKey code of button that activates the aimbot EnableFire(1 or 0) - Enable/disable auto firing when the aimbot is active(only full auto weapons). EnableRandomPitchRecoilReductionFactor(1 or 0) - Enable/disable a random value to be generated and used as recoil reduction for recoil on the pitch axis EnableRandomYawRecoilReductionFactor(1 or 0) - Enable/disable a random value to be generated and used as recoil reduction for recoil on the yawaxis EnableTimeout(1 or 0) - Enable/disable a timeout in milliseconds for the aimbot Enabled(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the aimbot entirely IgnoreShotCount(int) - The number of shots before the aimbot is activated MaxRandomPitch(float, 2.0 for perfect compensation) - The maximum value for randomly generated pitch axis recoil reduction MaxRandomYaw(float, 2.0 for perfect compensation) - The maximum value for randomly generated yaw axis recoil reduction MinRandomPitch(float, 2.0 for perfect compensation) - The minimum value for randomly generated pitch axis recoil reduction MinRandomYaw(float, 2.0 for perfect compensation) - The minimum value for randomly generated yaw axis recoil reduction TargetJumpingPlayers(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the targeting of jumping players SmoothPercent(int, 1 to 99) - The percentage of how smooth the aimbot should aim StaticPitch(float, 2.0 for perfect compensation) - A static value for pitch axis recoil reduction StaticYaw(float, 2.0 for perfect compensation) - A static value for yaw axis recoil reduction TargetBone(int) - The index of which bone of the playermodel the aimbot should aim at Timeout(int) - The time in milliseconds that the aimbot is active for before timing out Triggerbot: ActivationKey(int) - VirtualKey code of button that activates the triggerbot EnableTimeout(1 or 0) - Enable/disable a timeout in milliseconds for the triggerbot Enabled (1 or 0) - Enable/disable the triggerbot entirely FirstShotDelay(int) - The delay in milliseconds before the first shot is fired FollowUpDelay(int) - The delay in milliseconds between each shot Timeout(int) - The time in milliseconds that the triggerbot is active for before timing out Esp: DrawEnemyBones(1 or 0, NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) - Enable/disable the drawing of enemy skeleton DrawEnemyBox(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of enemy box DrawEnemyHealthBar(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of enemy healthbar DrawEnemyNameText(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of enemy name DrawEnemySnapLines (1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of enemy snaplines DrawFriendlyBones(1 or 0, NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) - Enable/disable the drawing of friendly skeleton DrawFriendlyBox(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of friendly box DrawFriendlyHealthBar(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of friendly healthbar DrawFriendlyNameText(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of friendly name DrawFriendlySnapLines(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of friendly snaplines DrawRecoilMarker(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of recoil crosshair EnableTargetBoneHighlight(1 or 0, NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) - Enable/disable the highlight of the currently targeted enemy skeleton EnableTargetBoxHighlight(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the highlight of currently targeted enemy box EnableTargetSnapLineHighlight(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the highlight of currently targeted enemy snapline Enabled (1 or 0) - Enable/disable the esp entirely EnemyBoxColor(ARGB Color) - The color of enemy box EnemyBoxLineWidth(float) - The width of enemy box lines EnemyBoxOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the enemy box outline EnemyBoxOutlineWidth(float) - The width of enemy box outline EnemyHealthBarBackColor(ARGB Color) - The back color of the enemy healthbar EnemyHealthBarFrontColor(ARGB Color) - The front color of the enemy healthbar EnemyHealthBarOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the enemy healthbar outline EnemyHealthBarOutlineWidth(float) - the width of enemy healthbar outline EnemyHealthBarWidth(float) - the width of enemy healthbar EnemyNameOutlineTextColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the enemy name outline EnemyNameTextColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the enemy name EnemySnapLineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the enemy snapline EnemySnapLineOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the enemy snapline outline EnemySnapLineOutlineWidth(float) - the width of enemy snapline outline EnemySnapLineWidth(float) - the width of enemy snapline FriendlyBoxColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the friendly box FriendlyBoxLineWidth(float) - the width of friendly box lines FriendlyBoxOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the friendly box outline FriendlyBoxOutlineWidth(float) - the width of friendly box outline FriendlyHealthBarBackColor(ARGB Color) - The back color of the friendly healthbar FriendlyHealthBarFrontColor(ARGB Color) - The front color of the friendly healthbar FriendlyHealthBarOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the friendly healthbar outline FriendlyHealthBarOutlineWidth(float) - the width of friendly healthbar outline FriendlyHealthBarWidth(float) - the width of friendly healthbar FriendlyNameOutlineTextColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the friendly name outline FriendlyNameTextColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the friendly name FriendlySnapLineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the friendly snapline FriendlySnapLineOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the friendly snapline outline FriendlySnapLineOutlineWidth(float) - the width of friendly snapline outline FriendlySnapLineWidth(float) - the width of friendly snapline RecoilMarkerColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the recoil crosshair RecoilMarkerLineWidth(float) - the width of recoil crosshair lines RecoilMarkerOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the recoil crosshair outline RecoilMarkerOutlineWidth(float) - the width of recoil crosshair outline RecoilMarkerSize(float) - the size of the recoil crosshair RecoilMarkerType(1 = circle, or 2 = crosshair) - the type of recoil crosshair TargetEnemyBoxColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the currently targeted enemy box TargetEnemyBoxLineWidth(float) - the width of currently targeted enemy box lines TargetEnemyBoxOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the currently targeted enemy box outline TargetEnemyBoxOutlineWidth(float) - the width of currently targeted enemy box outline TargetEnemySnapLineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the currently targeted enemy snapline TargetEnemySnapLineOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the currently targeted enemy snapline TargetEnemySnapLineOutlineWidth(float) - the width of currently targeted enemy snapline outline TargetEnemySnapLineWidth(float) - the width of currently targeted enemy snapline Controls: Control+F1 to reload the settings Control+F2 to close the hack Instructions: 1.) Make sure you have the correct offsets in your settings file and the path to the settings file is "C:\PP-Multi\Settings.txt". Make sure you do not include the extention ".txt" in the file name as the path would be "C:\PP-Multi\Settings.txt.txt". 2.) Exit steam completely. 3.) Start your injector. 4.) Find/Open any 32-bit application that is not a steam process. Preferably an application that is not likely used by many people. 5.) Inject the hack into the 32-bit application. 6.) Close injector. 7.) Start steam/csgo 8.) Enjoy ESP supports full-screen windowed mode ONLY Settings: TEXT Code:
Screenshots: ![]() Download: Internal/External Customizable Multi-Hack |
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