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[CSS]Cracked VIPs | #1 |
Anmeldungsdatum: Mai 2008 Beiträge: 1662 Benutzer-Bewertung: 2 positiv
0 negativ
Project-7 Build 8.3 Update 12.4.09 Features: \"*\" \"> AIMBOT\" { // Aimbot Configuration \"*\" \"> TARGET AREA\" { //choose aim spot \"*\" \"Aim Style\" \"aim_style\" //1 = bone , 2= vector \"*\" \"> BONE AIM\" {//adjust bone aim [aimsyle 1] \"*\" \"Head\" \"aim_bone 14\" //14 \"*\" \"Neck\" \"aim_bone 13\" //13 \"*\" \"chest\" \"aim_bone 11\" //11 \"*\" \"manual \" \"aim_bone\" //manual hitbox change \"*\" \"> VFORWARD\" {//adjust aim vec forward/back \"*\" \"vForward\" \"aim_adjust_foward\" //adjust aim vec forward/back \"*\" \"vForward + 0.1\" \"aim_adjust_foward inc 0.1\" //increase aim vec forward/back +0.1 \"*\" \"vForward - 0.1\" \"aim_adjust_foward dec 0.1\" //decrease aim vec forward/back -0.1 } \"*\" \"> VSIDE\" {//adjust aim vec left/right \"*\" \">vSide\" \"aim_adjust_right\" //adjust aim vec left/right \"*\" \">vSide + 0.1\" \"aim_adjust_right inc 0.1\" //increase aim vec left/right +0.1 \"*\" \">vSide - 0.1\" \"aim_adjust_right dec 0.1\" //decrease aim vec left/right -0.1 } \"*\" \"> VUP\" {//adjust aim vec up/down \"*\" \"vUp\" \"aim_adjust_up\" //adjust aim vec up/down \"*\" \"vUp + 0.1\" \"aim_adjust_up inc 0.1\" //increase aim vec up/down +0.1 \"*\" \"vUp - 0.1\" \"aim_adjust_up dec 0.1\" //increase aim vec up/down -0.1 } } \"*\" \"> VECTOR AIM\" {//adjust vec aim [aimsyle 2] \"*\" \"Head\" \"aim_vec_foward 10;aim_vec_right 5;aim_vec_up 61\" //preset head vec \"*\" \"Neck\" \"aim_vec_foward 10;aim_vec_right 5;aim_vec_up 50\" //preset neck vec \"*\" \"Chest\" \"aim_vec_foward 10;aim_vec_right 5;aim_vec_up 40\" //preset chest vec \"*\" \"Stomach\" \"aim_vec_foward 10;aim_vec_right 5;aim_vec_up 30\" //preset stomach vec \"*\" \"> VFORWARD\" {//adjust aim vec forward/back \"*\" \"vForward\" \"aim_vec_foward\" //adjust vec forward/back \"*\" \"vForward + 0.1\" \"aim_vec_foward inc 0.1\" //adjust vec forward/back +0.1 \"*\" \"vForward - 0.1\" \"aim_vec_foward dec 0.1\" //adjust vec forward/back -0.1 } \"*\" \"> VSIDE\" {//adjust aim vec left/right \"*\" \">vSide\" \"aim_vec_right\" //adjust vec left/right \"*\" \">vSide + 0.1\" \"aim_vec_right inc 0.1\" //adjust vec left/right +0.1 \"*\" \">vSide - 0.1\" \"aim_vec_right dec 0.1\" //adjust vec left/right -0.1 } \"*\" \"> VUP\" {//adjust aim vec up/down \"*\" \"vUp\" \"aim_vec_up\" //adjust vec up/down \"*\" \"vUp + 0.1\" \"aim_vec_up inc 0.1\" //increase vec up/down +0.1 \"*\" \"vUp - 0.1\" \"aim_vec_up dec 0.1\" //decrease vec up/down -0.1 } \"*\" \"> VJUMP\" {//adjust aim vec for jumping player \"*\" \"vJump\" \"vec_adjust_jump\"//adjust vec for jumping player \"*\" \"vJump + 0.1\" \"vec_adjust_jump inc 0.1\" //increase vec for jumping player +0.1 \"*\" \"vJump - 0.1\" \"vec_adjust_jump dec 0.1\" //decrease vec for jumping player -0.1 } \"*\" \"> VCROUCH\" {//adjust aim vec for crouching player \"*\" \"vCrouch\" \"vec_adjust_crouch\" //adjust for crouching player \"*\" \"vCrouch + 0.1\" \"vec_adjust_crouch inc 0.1\" //increase vec for crouching player +0.1 \"*\" \"vCrouch - 0.1\" \"vec_adjust_crouch dec 0.1\" //decrease vec for crouching player -0.1 } } } \"*\" \"> AIM SELECTION\" { //how the aimbot chooses his target \"*\" \"First Player\" \"aim_selection 0\" //aims at first target aimbot sees \"*\" \"Aim By Distance\" \"aim_selection 2\" //aims by distance [best for raging/cheatservers] \"*\" \"Aim By FOV\" \"aim_selection 1\" //aim by field of view [best for legit] \"*\" \"+Adjust FOV\" { \"*\" \"5\" \"aim_fov 5\" //5 degress \"*\" \"15\" \"aim_fov 15\" //15 degrees \"*\" \"30\" \"aim_fov 30\" //30 degrees \"*\" \"180\" \"aim_fov 180\" //180 degrees in front of you \"*\" \"360\" \"aim_fov 360\" //360 degrees around you \"*\" \"Manual\" \"aim_fov\" //he field of view in which the aimbto will aim } } \"*\" \"> AIM ACTIVATION\" {//The Key In Which Aimbot Becomes Active \"*\" \"Allways\" \"aim_bot 1\" //aimbot always active \"*\" \"Mouse 1\" \"aim_bot 2\" //active on mouse1 \"*\" \"Mouse 2\" \"aim_bot 3\" //active on mouse2 \"*\" \"Mouse 3\" \"aim_bot 4\" //active on mouse3 \"*\" \"Mouse 4\" \"aim_bot 5\" //active on mouse4 \"*\" \"Aim Bot Disabled\" \"aim_bot 0\" //aimbot doesn\'t lock 0n } \"*\" \"> TRIGGERBOT\" {//Shoot When Crosshair is over enemy \"*\" \"On/off\" \"aim_triggerbot\" //shoot if your crosshair is over enemy \"*\" \"Delay: Off\" \"aim_triggerbot_delay 0\" //no delay [TRUE TRIGGERBOT] \"*\" \"Delay: 0.01 s\" \"aim_triggerbot_delay 0.01\" //slow \"*\" \"Delay: 0.02 s\" \"aim_triggerbot_delay 0.02\" //slower \"*\" \"Delay: 0.03 s\" \"aim_triggerbot_delay 0.03\" //slowwer \"*\" \"Delay: 0.05 s\" \"aim_triggerbot_delay 0.05\" //sloooww \"*\" \"Delay: 0.1 s\" \"aim_triggerbot_delay 0.10\" //slooooooowww \"*\" \"Delay: 0.2 s\" \"aim_triggerbot_delay 0.20\" //slooooooowwwww \"*\" \"Delay: 0.3 s\" \"aim_triggerbot_delay 0.30\" //slooooooowwwwww \"*\" \"Delay: 0.4 s\" \"aim_triggerbot_delay 0.40\" //slooooooowwwwwww \"*\" \"Delay: 0.5 s\" \"aim_triggerbot_delay 0.5\" //slooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwww \"*\" \"Delay: 1 s\" \"aim_triggerbot_delay 1.0\" //too slowwwwww [<-- phail] } \"*\" \"> AIM THRU/AUTOWALL\" {//aim thru walls option/autowall \"*\" \"Auto Wall\" \"aim_checkvisibility\" //set 0 for aim thru walls with mouse1 & autowall \"*\" \"Mouse1 Wall\" \"aim_mousewall\" //aim thru with m1 \"*\" \"> AUTOWALL POWER\" {//the key to use for aiming \"*\" \"AutoWall Strength\" \"aim_awvalue\" //dont put this ABOVE 0.98!!! make it lower to aim more thru thicker walls \"*\" \"AutoWall Strength + 0.01\" \"aim_awvalue inc 0.01\" //increase by 0.01 \"*\" \"AutoWall Strength + 0.05\" \"aim_awvalue inc 0.05\" //increase by 0.05 \"*\" \"AutoWall Strength - 0.01\" \"aim_awvalue dec 0.01\" //decrease by 0.01 \"*\" \"AutoWall Strength - 0.05\" \"aim_awvalue dec 0.05\" //decrease by 0.05 } } \"*\" \"> ADDITIONAL OPTIONS\" {//advanced options regarding the aimbot \"*\" \"Anti-Spawn Protection\" \"aim_spawnprotection\" //don\'t aim at spawn protected playaz ( FOR DEATHMATCH SERVERS ) \"*\" \"Aim At Own Team\" \"csp_aimatteam\" //tk ur teammates \"*\" \"Anti Enhanced-Aim\" \"ea_scramble_fix\" //prevents enhanced newbs from using there esp scrambler \"*\" \"Lag Prediction\" \"aim_predict\" //predict ur lag for better accuracy } \"*\" \"AutoShoot\" \"aim_fire\" //autoshoot when aimbot is ready \"*\" \"Correct Recoil\" \"correct_recoil\" //auto correct recoil based on weapon and distance [will make ur crosshair shoot donw to spectators] \"*\" \"Correct Spread\" \"correct_spread\" //1 = thundaga 2 = gans6 [will make u shake to spectators] } \"*\" \"> VISUALS\" { //Visual Options \"*\" \"Crazy Tracers\" \"vis_dlights\" //player lights/glow \"*\" \"Wireframe\" \"vis_wireframe\" //wirefrme weapons [shows in ss] \"*\" \"No-Sky\" \"vis_nosky\" //Removes sky [Better FPS] [shows in ss] \"*\" \"No Hands\" \"vis_nohands\" //remove yo hands nigga [shows in ss] \"*\" \"Draw Fov\" \"vis_fov\" //show your aim fov \"*\" \"Xqz Wallhack\" \"vis_xqz\" //xqzwalls [shows in ss] \"*\" \"> ASUS WALLS\" { //see thru walls [shows in ss] \"*\" \"Trnasparancy 0.1\" \"vis_asus 0.1\" // \"*\" \"Trnasparancy 0.2\" \"vis_asus 0.2\" // \"*\" \"Trnasparancy 0.3\" \"vis_asus 0.3\" // \"*\" \"Trnasparancy 0.4\" \"vis_asus 0.4\" // \"*\" \"Trnasparancy 0.5\" \"vis_asus 0.5\" // \"*\" \"Trnasparancy 0.6\" \"vis_asus 0.6\" // \"*\" \"Trnasparancy 0.7\" \"vis_asus 0.7\" // \"*\" \"Trnasparancy 0.8\" \"vis_asus 0.8\" // \"*\" \"Trnasparancy 0.9\" \"vis_asus 0.9\" // \"*\" \"Transpency Off\" \"vis_asus 0.0\" //turn asus off } } \"*\" \"> CROSSHAIR\" { //Crosshair \"*\" \"Crosshair \" \"vis_crosshair\" //1 = triggerhair [cross changes color when over enemy] , 2 = custom cross below \"*\" \"> TRIGGERHAIR\" {//Crosshair changes color when over enemy \"*\" \"Active Color\" \"esp_hair_active\"//when cross is over enemy \"*\" \"NotActive Color\" \"esp_hair_notactive\"//when not over enemy } \"*\" \"> CUSTOM CROSSHAIR\" {//Crosshair \"*\" \"Crosshair On/Off\" \"vis_crosshair\" //crosshair on/off \"*\" \"Insize Width\" \"cross_in_width\" //crosshair inside width \"*\" \"Increase Width + 5\" \"cross_in_width inc 5\" //increase width +5 \"*\" \"Decrease Width - 1\" \"cross_in_width dec 1\" //decrease width -1 \"*\" \"Insize Height\" \"cross_in_height\" //crosshair inside height \"*\" \"Increase Height + 5\" \"cross_in_height inc 5\" //increase height +5 \"*\" \"Decrease Height - 1\" \"cross_in_height dec 1\" //decrease height -1 \"*\" \"Outside Width\" \"cross_out_width\" //crosshair outside width \"*\" \"Increase Width + 5\" \"cross_out_width inc 5\" //increase width +5 \"*\" \"Decrease Width - 1\" \"cross_out_width dec 1\" //decrease width -1 \"*\" \"Outside Height\" \"cross_out_height\" //crosshair outside height \"*\" \"Increase Height + 5\" \"cross_out_height inc 5\" //increase height +5 \"*\" \"Decrease Height - 1\" \"cross_out_height dec 1\" //decrease height -1 \"*\" \"Inside Red Color\" \"cross_in_r\" //crosshair inside red color \"*\" \"Increase Red + 5\" \"cross_in_r inc 5\" //increase inside red +5 \"*\" \"Decrease Red - 1\" \"cross_in_r dec 1\" //decrease inside red -1 \"*\" \"Inside Green Color\" \"cross_in_g\" //crosshair inside green color \"*\" \"Increase Green + 5\" \"cross_in_g inc 5\" //increase inside green +5 \"*\" \"Decrease Green - 1\" \"cross_in_g dec 1\" //decrease inside green -1 \"*\" \"Inside Blue Color\" \"cross_in_b\" //crosshair inside blue color \"*\" \"Increase Blue + 5\" \"cross_in_b inc 5\" //increase inside blue +5 \"*\" \"Decrease Blue - 1\" \"cross_in_b dec 1\" //decrease inside blue -1 \"*\" \"OutSide Red Color\" \"cross_out_r\" //crosshair outside red color \"*\" \"Increase Red + 5\" \"cross_out_r inc 5\" //increase outside red +5 \"*\" \"Decrease Red - 1\" \"cross_out_r dec 1\" //decrease outside red -1 \"*\" \"OutSide Green Color\" \"cross_out_g\" //crosshair outside green color \"*\" \"Increase Green + 5\" \"cross_out_g inc 5\" //increase outside green +5 \"*\" \"Decrease Green - 1\" \"cross_out_g dec 1\" //decrease outsid green -1 \"*\" \"OutSide Blue Color\" \"cross_out_b\" //crosshair outside blue color \"*\" \"Increase Blue + 5\" \"cross_out_b inc 5\" //increase outside blue +5 \"*\" \"Decrease Blue - 1\" \"cross_out_b dec 1\" //decrease outside blue -1 } } \"*\" \"> ANTI AIM\" { //Viewangle modification \"*\" \"Antiaim Off\" \"misc_antiaim 0\" //No Antiaim \"*\" \"180 / 90\" \"misc_antiaim 1\" //180x/90y \"*\" \"180 / 270\" \"misc_antiaim 2\" //180x/270y \"*\" \"180 / Custom\" \"misc_antiaim 3\" //180x custom y below \"*\" \"180 / -Custom\" \"misc_antiaim 4\" //180x custom y below \"*\" \"Custom Angle\" \"misc_antiaim_y\" //custom angle for number 3/4 \"*\" \"Increase Angle + 5\" \"misc_antiaim_y inc 5\" //increase y +5 \"*\" \"Decrease Angle - 5\" \"misc_antiaim_y dec 5\" //decrease y -5 } \"*\" \"> ESP\" { //Extra sensory perception [ESP] \"*\" \"Healthbar\" \"pps_healthbar\" //healthbar esp \"*\" \"Optics\" \"pps_optical\" // esp optical \"*\" \"Box\" \"pps_box\" // esp optical \"*\" \"Info Style\" \"pps_infostyle\" // preset esp styles \"*\" \"Radar Hack\" \"mem_patch_radar\" //shows enemys on css radar [shows in ss] \"*\" \"NoFlash\" \"vis_noflash\" //no flash it also shows a warning saying ur flashed! [message shows in ss] \"*\" \"NoSmoke\" \"vis_nosmoke\" //no smoke } \"*\" \"> OTHER\" { //Misc Shit In The Cheat \"*\" \"Continous Jump\" \"misc_bunnyhop\" //hold down spacebar to jump forever \"*\" \"Rapid Pistol\" \"misc_autopistol\" //fire pistols rapidly \"*\" \"NameStealer\" \"misc_namestealer\" //Steals an enemys name \"*\" \"Auto Voteban\" \"misc_voteban\" //Randomly Voteban Some1 @ Start of each round \"*\" \"round say\" \"misc_roundsay\" //says wats in \"textspam.cfg\" @ beginning of round \"*\" \"radio say\" \"misc_radiosay\" //say radio commands after kills } \"*\" \"> SPEEDHACK\" { //SPEED SPEED SPEED SPEED \"*\" \"Speed Key\" \"speed_key\" //1=allways, 2=m2, 3=m3, 4=m4, 5=e [Antiaim goes off on \"e\"] \"*\" \"Speed Factor\" \"speed_factor\" //how fast u go \"*\" \"Increase Speed Factor + 0.01\" \"speed_factor inc 0.01\" //Increase speed factor + .01 \"*\" \"Decrease Speed Factor + 0.01\" \"speed_factor dec 0.01\" //Decrease speed factor - .01 \"*\" \"Don\'t Speed w/ LMOUSE\" \"speed_aoff\" //dont speed when ur pressing left mouse } \"*\" \"> BUYBOT\" { //AutoBuy weapons @ start of round \"*\" \"auto buy Colt/AK47\" \"misc_buybot 1\" //Autobuy/m4a1/ak47/deagle \"*\" \"auto buy AWP/Deagle\" \"misc_buybot 2\" //Autobuy awp/deagle \"*\" \"auto buy P90/Deagle\" \"misc_buybot 3\" //Autobuy p90/deagle \"*\" \"auto buy Para/Deagle\" \"misc_buybot 4\" //Autobuy Para and deagle \"*\" \"disable buybot\" \"misc_buybot 0\" //Turns Buybot Off } Download: http://uploaded.to/file/n73py8 NiggaWaKKa Features(Could be different later): * Aimbot (*Bone / Hitbox) *Autoshoot *WallAim *KnifeBot (Knifes when you are on the perfect distance, allways be one step ahead of your enemy) *Aim key *Smooth Aim *Silent Aim *Aim Adjusting *Name tags STEAMID tags *Health tags Armor tags *Weapon tags(maybe an additional sprite to show it a little bit clearer) * Wallhack (#d3d, *Engine) #ASUS Wallhack(transparent walls) *NoSmoke *NoFlash *NoRecoil *NoSpread *TextSpam(#customizable) *Static Crosshair *Aimpoint Tag *Graphical User Interface (#MouseControlled/*KeyControlled) *Speedhack (Constant) *Speedkey (Activates when a selected key is pressed) *Bounding Boxes (A box drawn around the enemy) *DeathMatch Aim (So sick of shooting on people that have spawn protection, so they dont run out of health? NigWakka VIP allows you to wait aiming until they are out of protection!) *Status Box (a panel that displays your Kills,Deaths, Headshots, and more. *Radar ( A , intelligent radar! ) *Aim Beam (You will see where your enemies/friends aim!) *Clock (A little gadget =D) Coders of the MultiHack: Wakka Critycal Hack versus Hack Cheat: *Aimbot (Bone/Vec/Hitbox) *XQZ Wallhack *Anti Aim (Configurable and Preset) *Anti-Anti Aim (Aims where the head of the people really is, and not on the spot where it should be!) *Speedhack *Speedkey *NoRecoil *NoSpread *Coloured Models *Aim Adjusting *Wall Aim (bound to MOUSE1) *Key Menu (A Mouse-Menu is hard to configure, and for Hack vs Hack you need everything to be perfect. That\'s why we chose for a KeyMenu) *Anti-Anti-Anti-Aim[] (Spoofs the other peoples Anti-Anti Aim.) *Multiple fixes for lag and fps. Download: http://uploaded.to/file/kepzy4 Hardcore-Hackers V!P FuCkInG PwNeD Features: Aimbot Esp D3D Chams Much more!! download: http://ul.to/nlfrsd Project Detox ULTRA V!P 3.8 Features Aimbot: Both Vector and Bone for pinpoint head tracking ESP: Full esp displays the persons health, armor, name, and current weapon (displayed in a little image) through walls No Spread/Recoil: Concentrates fire to a point Spinbot: More of a fun thing, makes it so the player spins around rapidly to anyone spectating them No Smoke/Flash: Removes smoke and flash from the game Disco: creates disco colors on the walls, its pretty amusing ++AND theres still more!++ Download: http://ul.to/k7r562 HouseofHack VIP Features Aimbot ESP SPEEDHACK ANTI AIM MISC MUCH MORE download: http://ul.to/ohzwz3 Wodka Legend VIP LEAKED ( YOU PISSED ME OF WITH THE ANTIBOT_SYSTEM!) Features Aimbot (FAAAST) EsP Misc (Glow etc) AND MORE SHIT download: http://ul.to/cnmsbh Morgen werden noch mehr folgen Die hacks sind zu 100% clean! |
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