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OldSchoolHack BP DoDS RC34

icon OldSchoolHack BP DoDS RC34 #1

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007

Beiträge: 8643


199 positiv
33 negativ
OldSchoolHack - Day of Defeat:Source - BP - RC34
by KN4CK3R

1. DoD:S and wait while loading
2. oshbpdods.exe
3. read the infos in the DoDS console
4. play

- updated offsets

If the  crashes for you, try to use the windowmode.


- sv_pure Bypass
- sv_pure Bypass (zBlock)
- Replicated CVAR Bypass

- sv_cheats Bypass / NUM1
- sv_consistency Bypass / NUM2
- Modelwireframe / NUM3
- no Particles / NUM4
- Fullbrightmode / NUM5
- no Sky / NUM6
- no Recoil / NUM7

happy fragging
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Download OldSchoolHack BP DoDS RC34


icon #2

Anmeldungsdatum: Mai 2011

Beiträge: 2

I dont know german, so i write on english. Thanks for the hack! But unfortunately "no recoil" does not work for me =(