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subVersion GTA:O SC External Hack 1.0.1

icon #101

Anmeldungsdatum: Nov 2016

Beiträge: 4


1 positiv
3 negativ
Theres no file in it

0 positiv
2 negativ
Dieser Beitrag wurde bewertet von:
emiljohansson2005 (Sa 16. Sep 2017, 14:28), Jaykob (Mo 18. Sep 2017, 19:59)
icon #102

Anmeldungsdatum: Jun 2017

Beiträge: 1

I get banned
icon #103

Anmeldungsdatum: Dez 2015

Beiträge: 1

If I spaw one of the new cars it despawns after a cupple of seconds.
any idea how to fix ?
icon #104

Anmeldungsdatum: Dez 2016

Beiträge: 1

icon #105

Anmeldungsdatum: Sep 2016

Beiträge: 7


You can get 1 month ban or perma ban

at least dont abuse the cheat
icon #106

Anmeldungsdatum: Mai 2017

Beiträge: 5

does the stealth money works still ?

icon #107

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007

Beiträge: 1957

Kategorie: Grand Theft Auto V
Entwickler: sub1to ; Savaj1337

fixed version

Damage, BulletExplosive, NoRecoil, NoSpread etc..

may be detected


subVersion 1.41 [external]
icon #108

Anmeldungsdatum: Sep 2017

Beiträge: 1

how do i use this?
icon #109

Anmeldungsdatum: Nov 2016

Beiträge: 1

qual a tecla q abri ele?
icon #110

Anmeldungsdatum: Okt 2016

Beiträge: 1

only a dll file! rubbish
icon #111

Anmeldungsdatum: Sep 2015

Beiträge: 41


2 positiv
1 negativ
It works good but it crashes my Game every time i use Speedboost etc. all over this remake is a bit "laggy" or instable like i would say. Do i need some Redist versions or kind of these programms to run it more stable?

icon #112

Anmeldungsdatum: Feb 2017

Beiträge: 1

Money drop don't work for me 
icon #113

Anmeldungsdatum: Sep 2015

Beiträge: 41


2 positiv
1 negativ
Zitat von RoidesGirafes post
Money drop don't work for me 
Money drops ARENT Working in External menus, this is a "remake" or a safe update. Money drops cant work. Just buy a Car use the VEHICLE OPTION and tune it full and sell it. Easiest method for money
icon #114

Anmeldungsdatum: Sep 2015

Beiträge: 41


2 positiv
1 negativ
Zitat von MaarcosT post
qual a tecla q abri ele?
com o - na parte superior direita do teclado na caixa numérica
^ = 8
< = 4
> = 6
V = 2

L / R = 7 & 9
icon #115

Anmeldungsdatum: Sep 2015

Beiträge: 41


2 positiv
1 negativ
Zitat von iMarioFTW post
I get banned
its depending on your LEVEL and the TIme how long did the accoutn exist?
Wich Mods did u used?
Read the description! Some mods are dangerous!
icon #116

Anmeldungsdatum: Sep 2015

Beiträge: 41


2 positiv
1 negativ
Zitat von Squirrelk21 post
how do i use this?
You need a "Injector" to bring this DLL file in the Game.
A Game is like a Bycicle and the Engine works like Bike Chain.
this DLL file need to be injected in the system but the game shouldnt notice this! (Anti cheat) so u use a injector.
I preffer Extreme Injector V3
here ive uploaded to my Gdrive, youre welcome!
Um Links zu sehen, musst du dich registrieren
Start GTA V Online when youre in Online. Open Injector Chooses Process (Windows Process List) eiasier to find choose GTA V
then ADD DLL choose the DLL and hit INJECT. Wait for "Sucessfully injected" then open and close the menu with - at the numpad
Controls are NUMPAD  7   8    9
                              4   5    6

1 positiv
1 negativ
Dieser Beitrag wurde bewertet von:
xilyaivanovx (Mo 18. Sep 2017, 17:41), pandadidurmum (Sa 23. Sep 2017, 02:47)
icon #117

Anmeldungsdatum: Feb 2017

Beiträge: 5

is still working?
icon #118

Anmeldungsdatum: Jul 2015

Beiträge: 1

Banned :/ Like instaban    
icon #119

Anmeldungsdatum: Sep 2012

Beiträge: 1

PERMA BAN! After 1 Hour!
icon #120

Anmeldungsdatum: Sep 2017

Beiträge: 1

commentaire sur fait pour telecharger svp merci