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BLR Hack

icon BLR Hack #1

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007

Beiträge: 8643


199 positiv
33 negativ
Kategorie: Other FPS Games
Entwickler: Jamesc00ls

The hack itself still has a few bugs in it, so there are occasional crashes, but it wasn't bad enough for me to ever decide to really look into it. I only used cheat engine and VS for this, so it's a bit dirty as I'm only hooking inside functions, not calling them myself.

Name ESP
Marker ESP
Crosshair Overlay
No Recoil
No Spread

Use the insert key to bring up the menu, and the arrow keys to select/toggle entries. Also, this requires you to be running in fullscreen-windowed, using DX9, and have aero enabled (for the menu/crosshair overlay).

BLR Hack

