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PolyMeme V2 [PolyLoader] [ESP & Radar] [Fully External]

icon Thema: [Release] PolyMeme V2 [PolyLoader] [ESP & Radar] [Fully External]

Anmeldungsdatum: Nov 2015

Beiträge: 12


1 positiv
1 negativ
Zitat von kevin22328 post
Zitat von alex1122 post
i just change the offsets and it`s working
new offsets / old offsets

  1. DWORD LocalPlayer = 0x00A6A444;//0x00A9D44C;
  2. DWORD EntityList = 0x04A58794;//0x04A43844;
  3. DWORD m_dwGlowObject = 0x04B6DA1C;//0x4B5A7E4;
  4. DWORD jumpoffset = 0x4AD805C;
  5. DWORD m_EntityLoopDistance = 0x10;
  6. DWORD m_iGlowIndex = 0x0000A2E0;//0xA2C0;
  7. DWORD isDormant = 0xE9;
  8. DWORD m_iTeamNum = 0x00F0;//0xF0;
  9. DWORD m_iHealth = 0x000000FC;//0x000000FC;
  10. DWORD m_iCrossHairID = 0x0000A924;//0x0000A904;
  11. DWORD m_bSpotted = 0x00000935;//0x00000935;
  12. DWORD m_flFlashMaxAlpha = 0x0000A2C4;//0x0000A2A4;
  13. DWORD m_flSensitivity = 0xAA2C34;
  14. DWORD m_fFlag = 0x0100;//0x100;
  15. DWORD attack = 0x02EB1E08;

how   do    I   change  these?   and   can   you    confirm  this   works?
i change the old offsets with the new ones and it`s working..
u can do it for urself if u don`t want to play without cheats..