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Pirate Perfection

icon Thema: [Release] Pirate Perfection

Anmeldungsdatum: Jul 2015

Beiträge: 2

Zitat von matt0698 post
For people people who don't know about Pirate Perfection,I copied this from another site "Wrong. It's deleted since you're too much a sheep-minded idiot to think that "Oh, well, most PREMIUM HACKS HAVE ANTI-LEAKS", xxx released a PiratePerfection cheat that was PREMIUM and had AN IP TRACKER INSIDE OF IT. It tracks the IP of everyone that uses it if they aren't a verified user."
which can potentially lead to the leaking of personal information such as phone numbers and addresses which can lead to serious consequences such as SWATting, sending hundreds of dollars of shit to your house, etc. Just posting for your safety.
And if you haven't seen Twitch, where their IP got leaked, and someone send a SWAT team. which you can find somewhere on youtube.