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DLite v1.0.01.2

icon Thema: [Release] DLite v1.0.01.2

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007

Beiträge: 1957

Kategorie: Other FPS Games
Entwickler: Randshot

A CE Lua script for Elite: Dangerous (64bit)

06 May 2016 - v1.0.01.2:
replaced infenergy with lessenergy
added efactor for lessenergy
added offset support for modules
fixed warning message


  • safedeath
  • disable interdictions
  • no damage for shield/hull/modules
  • boosting damage against NPCs
  • variable factor for damage boosting
  • less energy usage
  • less power usage per module
  • no super cruise charge timer
  • no hyper drive charge timer
  • no fsd cooldown
  • no masslock
  • instant scooping
  • infinte jump fuel
  • infinite reload ammo
  • infinite repair ammo
  • omnidirectional jumping

  1. Download the latest version of DLite (look at the bottom of the post).
  2. Unzip the downloaded zip file.
  3. If not already existing, create a folder named 'DLite' in your Documents folder.
  4. Place the DLite.code and launcher.lua files into the DLite folder.

To run the script, copy the content launcher.lua into the CE Lua window and press execute.

Input goes into the small box at the bottom (see above).

Commands can consist of multiple parts which are separated with spaces.
  1. help damage

In this example 'help' is the base command and 'damage' a parameter.
For a list of all available commands, type: 'help'

You can also execute multiple commands with one input.
Just separate commands with a comma.

Example: 'damage, damage safedmg'

When the input box is selected, you can press...
  • ENTER - send input
  • CTRL + BACKSPACE - clear input and output box
  • < - go one back in the input history
  • > - go one forward in the input history

Note that I have only tested this on a QWERTZ keyboard!

Shortcut System:
Shortcuts can be created with: 'sc create scname'
where scname is to be replaced with the wanted shortcut name.

After you have created a shortcut, it will be empty with no added commands to execute.
You have to add them by entering: 'scname add command'
where scname is to be replaced with the shortcut name and command with a valid command string.
Important is however that instead of spaces, you have to use ':' for the command string.
Example: 'scname add damage:safedmg'
This would add the command 'damage safedmg' to the shortcut 'scname'.

Additional commands:

To 'remove' a command from a shortcut, use: 'scname remove command'
Use ':' instead of spaces here too.

To 'list' all added commands, use: 'scname list'
which will print a list of all added commands.

To 'save' a shortcut, use: 'scname save'
which will save the shortcut into the CE registry.
All saved shortcuts can be loaded with 'sc load scname'.

To 'export' a shortcut, use: 'scname export'
which will export the shortcut into a file with the name of your shortcut into your DLite folder.

To 'delete' a shortcut, use: 'sc delete scname'
which will delete the shortcut from the command list and also delete, if existing, the saved version.

To 'list' all saved and currently available shortcuts, use: 'sc list'
which will print a list of all saved and currently loaded shortcuts with their respective commands.

To 'reset' all saved and currently available shortcuts, use: 'sc reset'
which will delete all saved and currently loaded shortcuts completely.

To 'load' a saved shortcut, use: 'sc load scname'
which will load the shortcut with that name from the CE registry.

To 'import' a shortcut file, use: 'sc import scname'
which will import and load the shortcut file with that name.

Additional Information:
I advice starting the script before starting ED, because CE sometimes refuses to apply some patches after entering the main menu.
This script should theoretically also work with ED Horizons which I haven't tested though.


  • Cheat Engine (64bit) 6.5
  • Elite: Dangerous (64bit)

DLite v1.0.01.2