Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007
Beiträge: 1957
Kategorie: Star Wars Battlefront Entwickler: juerguy8x
Beschreibung: How to use:
- Start the game
- Set video settings to "Borderless" (not "Full Screen")
- Run sbw_multihack.exe ("Delete" to show / hide menu)
ESP Features:
- Menu – Show / Hide
- Box – Box around Players/Vehicles
- Bones – Added distance filter < 20m / < 30m / < 40m / ALL
- Names – Show player and vehicle names
- Health – Show health of players
- Distance – Show the distance to players
- Lines – ESP lines to players
- Radar – Show enemies on radar game. Configurable distance < 50m / 100m / 200m / 500m / 1000m
- Colors – Occluded enemies [Red] , Unoccluded [Yellow], Heros [Purple], Vehicles [White], Friends [Green]
GUN Features:
Activation -> Holding right mouse button or ‘E’ key . Locking -> FOV / Distance Body part -> Head / Chest / Body Aim Prediction -> Off/On - No Recoil
- No Spread
- AutoReload – Reload in perfect moment
Considerations: This hack is based on lorddoggy tutorial and orbitaltech code with the following changes/fixes:
- Different menu display
- Distance in meters instead of feets
- Removed “Sneaky player” (Use radar instead)
- Added Hero Bones. (You can use aimbot with and against heros!)
- Added ESP box for vehicles/turrets. (If you have actived "ESP Names", you will see the name of the vehicle/turret under player name)
- Fixed auto reload
- Added Aimbot and “perfect” predicted aimbot based on bullet speed, enemy distance, enemy velocity and average of latency. (For better accuracy needs network metrics game active, if not, default value is 50ms)
- No recoil / No spread can only be activated for a gun at time

Download: SBW Multihack v0.1