Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007
Beiträge: 1957
Kategorie: Star Wars Battlefront Entwickler: juerguy8x
Beschreibung: How to use:
- Start the game
- Set video settings to "Borderless" (not "Full Screen")
- Run sbw_multihack.exe ("Delete" to show / hide menu)
V.02 Updates:
- NEW! ESP pickups!
- NEW! ESP AI Vehicles and proxy grenades!.
- NEW! Supported trial version.
- NEW! Added Aimbot Smooth.
- NEW! Added Aimbot against vehicles (not in vehicles).
- Fixed autoreload issue.
- Radar background zero opacity.
- AIM prediction always on.
V0.2 Considerations:
- Pickups. Pickups are actived with the follow order (Hero/ATST/ATAT/AIR Vehicles/Random). If you active until ATST you only could see Hero and ATST pickups.
- Especial Pickups. Hero and ATST pickups will display an snapline to make it easy to find.
- Hero Pickup [WARNING]. If you take this pickup to many times you will get BANNED Instantly!!!
- AI Vehicles. ESP will show a red point when vehicle is pointing to you.
- Aimbot. When auto-aim is actived, pickup and AI Vehicle ESP will be desactived.
- Aimbot. Aimbot against vehicle only can be actived for distances less than 400 meters.

Download: SBW Multihack v0.2