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Polyhardzzz v3.17 [ESP/BUNNY]

icon Thema: [Release] Polyhardzzz v3.17 [ESP/BUNNY]

Anmeldungsdatum: Feb 2015

Beiträge: 457


12 positiv
12 negativ
Zitat von THOMASP post
There was no update or whatsover in this release.

Offsets changed, but were not updated in the release:

TEXT Code:
  1. DWORD dwWeaponId = 0x32DC; //m_iWeaponID (m_fAccuracyPenalty + ??? [0x2C])
  2. DWORD dwInCross = 0xAA44; //m_iCrossHairID
Yes but no offsets changes u can use the 6.29 version !
but ur offsets was wrong :

DWORD dwWeaponId = 0x32D4; //m_iWeaponID (m_fAccuracyPenalty + ??? [0x2C])
DWORD dwInCross = 0xAA48; //m_iCrossHairID


Read and Approved by hardzzz