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Thema: [Source] Miscreated ESP | |
Anmeldungsdatum: Sep 2016 Beiträge: 1 |
Hey guys the following Information is the source codes for Miscreated to make your own Item,Player, Vehicle ESP Etc (Credit to Stewart from UC) Could anyone possible code the following and release a .DLL or .Exe file please for people that do not know how to code, thanks Guys n Gals in Advance Code: gEnv = CryGameSDK.dll + 0x83D800 SSystemGlobalEnvironment: Code: class SSystemGlobalEnvironment { public: char pad_0x0000[0x18]; //0x0000 I3DEngine* g3DEngine; //0x0018 char pad_0x0020[0xC0]; //0x0020 IGame* pGame; //0x00E0 char pad_0x00E8[0xA8]; //0x00E8 IRenderer* pRenderer; //0x0190 }; IGame: Code: class IGame { public: IGameFramework* GetIGameFramework() { typedef IGameFramework*(__thiscall *tFunc)(IGame*); tFunc vGetIGameFramework = *(tFunc*)(*(DWORD64*)this + 0xC8); return vGetIGameFramework(this); } }; IGameFramework: Code: class IGameFramework { public: IActorSystem* GetIActorSystem() { typedef IActorSystem*(__thiscall *tFunc)(IGameFramework*); tFunc vGetIActorSystem = *(tFunc*)(*(DWORD64*)this + 0x1B8); return vGetIActorSystem(this); } IItemSystem* GetIItemSystem() { typedef IItemSystem*(__fastcall *tFunc)(IGameFramework*); tFunc vGetItemSystem = *(tFunc*)(*(DWORD64*)this + 0x1D8); return vGetItemSystem(this); } IVehicleSystem* GetIVehicleSystem() { typedef IVehicleSystem*(__fastcall *tFunc)(IGameFramework*); tFunc vGetIVehicleSystem = *(tFunc*)(*(DWORD64*)this + 0x210); return vGetIVehicleSystem(this); } IActor* GetClientActor() { typedef IActor*(__thiscall *tFunc)(IGameFramework*); tFunc vGetClientActor = *(tFunc*)(*(DWORD64*)this + 0x358); return vGetClientActor(this); } }; IRenderer & ProjectToScreen: Code: class IRenderer { public: bool ProjectToScreen(D3DXVECTOR3 inPos, D3DXVECTOR3* outPos) { typedef bool(__fastcall *tFunc)(IRenderer*, float, float, float, float*, float*, float*); tFunc vProjectToScreen = *(tFunc*)(*(DWORD64*)this + 0x3B0); D3DXVECTOR3 outTemp = D3DXVECTOR3(0, 0, 0); bool success = vProjectToScreen(this, inPos.x, inPos.y, inPos.z, &outTemp.x, &outTemp.y, &outTemp.z); if (!success) return false; if (outTemp.z >= 1.f) return false; outTemp.x *= (float)yourscreenResX * 0.01f; outTemp.y *= (float)yourscreenResY * 0.01f; outPos->x = outTemp.x; outPos->y = outTemp.y; outPos->z = outTemp.z; return true; } }; Camera: Code: class I3DEngine { public: Camera* GetRenderingCamera() { typedef Camera*(__thiscall *tFunc)(I3DEngine*); tFunc vGetRenderingCamera = *(tFunc*)(*(DWORD64*)this + 0x78); return vGetRenderingCamera(this); } }; class Camera { public: char pad_0x0000[0x278]; //0x0000 Vector3 origin; //0x0278 }; Entities: Code: typedef unsigned int EntityId; class IEntity { public: char pad_0x0000[0x38]; //0x0000 Vector3 origin; //0x0038 IEntityClass* GetClass() { typedef IEntityClass*(__thiscall *tFunc)(IEntity*); tFunc vGetClass = *(tFunc*)(*(DWORD64*)this + 0x38); return vGetClass(this); } const char* GetName() { typedef const char*(__thiscall *tFunc)(IEntity*); tFunc vGetName = *(tFunc*)(*(DWORD64*)this + 0xC0); return vGetName(this); } }; class IEntityClass { public: const char* GetName() { typedef const char*(__thiscall *tFunc)(IEntityClass*); tFunc vGetName = *(tFunc*)(*(DWORD64*)this + 0x30); return vGetName(this); } }; Actor ESP - Players/Mutants/Deer/etc Code: typedef std::map<EntityId, IActor*> IActorMap; class IActorSystem { public: char pad_0x0000[0x50]; //0x0000 IActorMap m_actors; //0x0050 }; class IActor { public: char pad_0x0000[0x38]; //0x0000 __int64 entityId; //0x0038 IEntity* entity; //0x0040 float GetHealth() { typedef float(__thiscall *tFunc)(IActor*); tFunc vGetHealth = *(tFunc*)(*(DWORD64*)this + 0xE8); return vGetHealth(this); } IItem* GetCurrentItem() { typedef IItem*(__thiscall *tFunc)(IActor*, bool); tFunc vGetCurrentItem = *(tFunc*)(*(DWORD64*)this + 0x240); return vGetCurrentItem(this, false); } bool IsDead() { typedef bool(__thiscall *tFunc)(IActor*); tFunc vIsDead = *(tFunc*)(*(DWORD64*)this + 0x278); return vIsDead(this); } bool IsPlayer() { typedef bool(__thiscall *tFunc)(IActor*); tFunc vIsPlayer = *(tFunc*)(*(DWORD64*)this + 0x2C8); return vIsPlayer(this); } IVehicle* GetLinkedVehicle() { typedef IVehicle*(__thiscall *tFunc)(IActor*); tFunc vGetLinkedVehicle = *(tFunc*)(*(DWORD64*)this + 0x3A0); return vGetLinkedVehicle(this); } }; Vehicle ESP: Code: typedef std::map<EntityId, IVehicle*> TVehicleMap; class IVehicleSystem { public: char pad_0x0000[0x20]; //0x0000 TVehicleMap m_vehicles; //0x0020 }; class IVehicle { public: char pad_0x0000[0x40]; //0x0000 IEntity* entity; //0x0040 }; Item ESP: Code: typedef std::map<EntityId, IItem*> TItemMap; class IItemSystem { public: char pad_0x0000[0x70]; //0x0000 IGameFramework* pGameFramework; //0x0070 __int64 pEntitySystem; //0x0078 char pad_0x0080[0x48]; //0x0080 TItemMap m_items; //0x00C8 }; class IItem { public: char pad_0x0000[0x188]; //0x0000 IEntity* pEntity; //0x0188 }; |
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