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Shinku5_1 Private Rage Hack

icon Thema: [Release] Shinku5_1 Private Rage Hack

Anmeldungsdatum: Sep 2016

Beiträge: 20

Zitat von Reimahg post
Zitat von Kicha post
Zitat von Reimahg post
Zitat von Kicha post
How do you access the menu? Plenty of unneeded stuff enabled...
HOME button on your keyboard, im pretty sure.
Yeah, but I am still unable to browse/change value of particular items in the menu. It gets detected as MULTIHACK by PB. On an empty server.
Use ARROW KEYS to browse options.
Must be some bug as I cannot get any response from the menu itself... will try that again later. Do anyone know how to change the check sum of the file?