Anmeldungsdatum: Mär 2015
Beiträge: 262
Kategorie: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Entwickler: SerGio
Beschreibung: New Radar Hack (NEW VERSION) Undetected For Ever No ReadMemory Of LocalPlayer So its Safe
Credits : balto SerGio
This is the new code radar hack / triggerbot / Bhop / glow and colored HP ! Copy & Paste the Script into .AHK file & dont forget to update it with new offsets of Dumper because the last update it was 13/12/2016 :3 & protect the file with vmprotect or enigma (he cant vac detect it for ever) - Open CSGO - Open Hack.ahk Protected By (VMP or Enigma) - Profit
BHOP is always activated. Numpad 0 activates Radar hack. Numpad 1 activates Triggerbot. [HOLD MMB] It has a randomized 80ms to 200ms delay. Numpad 2 activates Triggerbot. [Activate once and it will automatically shoot] Numpad 3 activates Aiming Help. [Will automatically aim at enemy once you shoot at him. It will slowly, softly and smoothly aim at his head] Numpad 4 activates HEALTH. It will print out the enemy team's health. [NOT REALLY WELL MADE]
AutoHotKey = NEVER VAC detected!
Zitat - ; <COMPILER: v1.0.48.5>
- F6::
- Process = csgo.exe
- DllName = client.dll
- msgbox, WAIT WAIT WAIT
- Process, Exist, %Process%
- PID = %ErrorLevel%
- SetFormat, Integer, Hex
- Base := GetDllBase(DllName, PID)
- start:=0x00000000
- loop {
- start:=start+0x1000
- check:=ReadMemory(start+0x4,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- check2:=ReadMemory(check,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- if (check2==0x6574616D)
- {
- break
- }
- if (start>0xDDDDDDDD)
- {
- msgbox, Something went wrong O.o
- }
- }
- offset:=start+0x550
- end:=start+0x2000
- loop
- {
- offset:=offset+0x4
- check:=ReadMemory(offset,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- checka:=check+0x1c
- check2:=ReadMemory(check+0x1c,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- if (check2==0x72617065)
- {
- break
- }
- if (offset>end)
- {
- msgbox, something went wrong OMG
- }
- }
- msgbox, OMG!WALLHACKER!!! D:
- offsets3:=offset
- t1:=ReadMemory(offsets3,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- t2:=ReadMemory(offsets3+0x8,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- t3:=ReadMemory(offsets3+0x10,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- t4:=ReadMemory(offsets3+0x18,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- t5:=ReadMemory(offsets3+0x20,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- t6:=ReadMemory(offsets3+0x28,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- t7:=ReadMemory(offsets3+0x30,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- offsetsct:=offsets3+0x30+0xC0
- ct1:=ReadMemory(offsetsct,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- ct2:=ReadMemory(offsetsct+0x8,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- ct3:=ReadMemory(offsetsct+0x10,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- ct4:=ReadMemory(offsetsct+0x18,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- ct5:=ReadMemory(offsetsct+0x20,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- ct6:=ReadMemory(offsetsct+0x28,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- ct7:=ReadMemory(offsetsct+0x638,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- t11:=t1+0x96D
- t111:=ReadMemoryString(t11,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- rewritetex(t111,t11)
- t22:=t2+0xC0F
- t222:=ReadMemoryString(t22,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- rewritetex(t222,t22)
- t33:=t3+0x45D
- t333:=ReadMemoryString(t33,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- rewritetex(t333,t33)
- t44:=t4+0x7e1
- t444:=ReadMemoryString(t44,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- rewritetex(t444,t44)
- t55:=t5+0xACC
- t555:=ReadMemoryString(t55,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- rewritetex(t555,t55)
- t66:=t6+0xFD
- t666:=ReadMemoryString(t66,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- rewritetex(t666,t66)
- t77:=t7+0x838
- t777:=ReadMemoryString(t77,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- rewritetex(t777,t77)
- ct11:=ct1+0x27D
- ct111:=ReadMemoryString(ct11,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- rewritetex2(ct111,ct11)
- ct22:=ct2+0x219d
- t222:=ReadMemoryString(ct22,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- rewritetex2(ct222,ct22)
- ct33:=ct3+0x378
- ct333:=ReadMemoryString(ct33,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- rewritetex2(ct333,ct33)
- ct44:=ct4+0x7e1
- ct444:=ReadMemoryString(ct44,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- rewritetex2(ct444,ct44)
- ct55:=ct5+0xA70
- ct555:=ReadMemoryString(ct55,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- rewritetex2(ct111,ct11)
- ct66:=ct6+0x111
- ct666:=ReadMemoryString(ct66,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- rewritetex2(ct666,ct66)
- ct77:=ct7+0xEB7
- ct777:=ReadMemoryString(ct77,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- rewritetex2(ct777,ct77)
- ExitApp
- rewritetex(Haystack,offsettex)
- {
- Needle = "$rimlight"
- StringGetPos, pos, Haystack, %Needle%
- if (pos >= )
- { WriteMemory(0x6E676924,offsettex+pos+0x0,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- WriteMemory(0x7A65726F,offsettex+pos+0x4,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- WriteMemory(0x20203120,offsettex+pos+0x8,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- WriteMemory(0x0A0D0A0D,offsettex+pos+0xC,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- WriteMemory(0x6C6F6324,offsettex+pos+0x10,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- WriteMemory(0x2220726F,offsettex+pos+0x14,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- WriteMemory(0x3020395B,offsettex+pos+0x18,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- WriteMemory(0x225D3020,offsettex+pos+0x1C,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- WriteMemory(0x0A0D0A0D,offsettex+pos+0x20,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- WriteMemory(0x0A0D0A0D,offsettex+pos+0x24,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- WriteMemory(0x0A0D0A0D,offsettex+pos+0x28,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- }
- }
- rewritetex2(Haystack,offsettex)
- {
- Needle = "$rimlight"
- StringGetPos, pos, Haystack, %Needle%
- if (pos >= )
- { WriteMemory(0x6E676924,offsettex+pos+0x0,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- WriteMemory(0x7A65726F,offsettex+pos+0x4,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- WriteMemory(0x20203120,offsettex+pos+0x8,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- WriteMemory(0x0A0D0A0D,offsettex+pos+0xC,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- WriteMemory(0x6C6F6324,offsettex+pos+0x10,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- WriteMemory(0x2220726F,offsettex+pos+0x14,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- WriteMemory(0x3020305B,offsettex+pos+0x18,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- WriteMemory(0x225D3920,offsettex+pos+0x1C,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- WriteMemory(0x0A0D0A0D,offsettex+pos+0x20,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- WriteMemory(0x0A0D0A0D,offsettex+pos+0x24,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- WriteMemory(0x0A0D0A0D,offsettex+pos+0x28,"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
- }
- }
- {
- winget, pid, PID, %PROGRAM%
- VarSetCapacity(MVALUE,4,)
- ProcessHandle := DllCall("OpenProcess", "Int", 24, "Char", , "UInt", pid, "UInt")
- DllCall("ReadProcessMemory","UInt",ProcessHandle,"UInt",MADDRESS,"Str",MVALUE,"UInt",4,"UInt *",)
- Loop 4
- result += *(&MVALUE + A_Index-1) << 8*(A_Index-1)
- return, result
- }
- {
- winget, pid, PID, %PROGRAM%
- ProcessHandle := DllCall("OpenProcess", "int", 2035711, "char", , "UInt", PID, "UInt")
- DllCall("WriteProcessMemory", "UInt", ProcessHandle, "UInt", MADDRESS, "Uint*", WVALUE,"Uint", 4, "Uint *", )
- DllCall("CloseHandle", "int", ProcessHandle)
- return
- }
- GetDllBase(DllName, PID = )
- {
- TH32CS_SNAPMODULE := 0x00000008
- VarSetCapacity(me32, 548, )
- NumPut(548, me32)
- snapMod := DllCall("CreateToolhelp32Snapshot", "Uint", TH32CS_SNAPMODULE
- , "Uint", PID)
- Return
- }
- If (DllCall("Module32First", "Uint", snapMod, "Uint", &me32)){
- while(DllCall("Module32Next", "Uint", snapMod, "UInt", &me32)) {
- If !DllCall("lstrcmpi", "Str", DllName, "UInt", &me32 + 32) {
- DllCall("CloseHandle", "UInt", snapMod)
- Return NumGet(&me32 + 20)
- }
- }
- }
- DllCall("CloseHandle", "Uint", snapMod)
- Return
- }
- ReadMemoryString(MADDRESS,PROGRAM)
- {
- winget, pid, PID, %PROGRAM%
- ProcessHandle := DllCall("OpenProcess", "Int", 24, "Char", , "UInt", pid, "Uint")
- teststr =
- Loop 32
- {
- Output := "x"
- tempVar := DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "UInt", ProcessHandle, "UInt", MADDRESS, "str", Output, "Uint", 1, "Uint *", )
- if (ErrorLevel or !tempVar)
- {
- DllCall("CloseHandle", "int", ProcessHandle)
- return teststr
- }
- teststr = %teststr%%Output%
- }
- DllCall("CloseHandle", "int", ProcessHandle)
- return, teststr
- }
Download: [AHK] Radar-Hack <== Expired (New Update in the top)