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Elite Horizon 2203 TRAINER

icon Thema: [Release] Elite Horizon 2203 TRAINER

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007

Beiträge: 1957

Kategorie: Other FPS Games
Entwickler: lorddoggy

About this Trainer:
- I'm not responsable if your account got Banned
- I recreate my Trainer Engine from scratch
- All known Anti-Cheat detection are disabled (same way like dlite did this)
- Usage at your own risk!

- Start Elite and wait for the Main Menu
- Change your Game Window Mode (to BORDERLESS)
- Start the eliteHorizon2203.exe

Known Bugs:
The Trainer could crash when you resize the GameWindow within the GameOptions..
-> Dont worry! just start the Trainer again. To be sure that the Trainer shows the currect state
you need to hit the previous selected option keys twice.
(a autoscan fix will come in the next version)

Importand Notes:
You have to play Elite in (Fullscreen) Window Mode to enable the ingame menu!
To change the Mode go to Options/Graphics/Display and choose BORDERLESS

Trainer+11 Includes:
F1: No Clipping (Fly through everything)
F2: Unlim. Ammo (Bullets)
F3: No SC-Charge (Instant Jump Countdown)
F4: No HD-Charge (Instant Jump Countdown)
F5: No Masslock (Just disabled the on/off trigger, so turn it on in deep space or in main menu)
F6: Unlim. JumpFuel (After Jump, fuel will not removed from Tank)
F7: No FSD Cooldown (e.g. after interdiction FSD is ready to use)
F8: Energy (System, Thruster, Engery as unlimited energy)
F9: OmniJump (No need to focus your target system anymore to jump)
F10: Inf. Fuel (Unlimited Fuel)
F11: No Interdiction (AI only)

No Clipping Notes:
- You have to disable No Clipping for Landing!
- Landing Process: You have to enter Landing Bay from the entrance. If not the Landing Process will not be initialized by the Game.


Elite Horizon 2203 TRAINER