Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007
Beiträge: 1957
Kategorie: Other FPS Games Entwickler: Flintlock
Beschreibung: Um Links zu sehen, musst du dich registrieren It is highly recommended to get the Bright Skin add-on (the bright skin add-on works for both Linux and Windows, and does not depend on InsTux). This is InsTux, a hack for Insurgency on Linux based on AimTux. Features
- XQZ Cham
- Natural Aimbot activated when Shift is pressed
It provides a smooth and accurate aiming, with smart target bone selection - one of the visible bones will be targeted based on priority. It targets the visible enemy player closest to the center of the screen, within 10-degree of FOV. - Radar
- Hip fire silent aim
- Hip fire bullet impact marker
- Skeleton + Name ESP activated when Caps Lock is pressed. Enemy behind alert. If there is enemy behind you that is visible, a red ESP box will ne dosplayed indicating the opposite position of the enemy.
- Health & Ammo counter
- Grenade prediction line for both grenade launchers and hand grenades. Turns your grenade launcher into "long range precision artillery"
- No flash & no smoke
- Post Processing Disable
- dear imgui menu (optional) opend by pressing INSERT key
Download: InsTux 1.0