Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007
Beiträge: 1957
Kategorie: Sourcecode Entwickler: ORGANNER
Beschreibung: This base are undetectable under the last version of sXe Injected Anti-Cheat, use it as you want! ^_^
TEXT Code: #include <windows.h> #include "Engine.h" engine_studio_api_s* pEngstudio = (engine_studio_api_s*) 0x01ED3460; cl_enginefuncs_s* pEngfuncs = (cl_enginefuncs_s*) 0x01EB72D8; playermove_s* ppmove = (playermove_s*) 0x02D5FCE0; void ClientDllThread ( ); BOOL __stdcall DllMain ( HMODULE hDll, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved ) { switch ( dwReason ) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH : { CreateThread ( NULL, NULL, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) ClientDllThread, NULL, NULL, NULL ); } } return TRUE; }
TEXT Code: #include <windows.h> #include "Client.h" #include "Engine.h" void UnHookFunction ( int iFunction ); void HUD_Redraw ( float x, int y ) { /* Your Code Here */ UnHookFunction ( U_HUD_Redraw ); } void CL_CreateMove ( float frametime, struct usercmd_s *cmd, int active ) { /* Your Code Here */ UnHookFunction ( U_CL_CreateMove ); } void HUD_PlayerMove ( struct playermove_s *a, int b ) { /* Your Code Here */ UnHookFunction ( U_HUD_PlayerMove ); } void HUD_PostRunCmd ( struct local_state_s *from, struct local_state_s *to, struct usercmd_s *cmd, int runfuncs, double time, unsigned int random_seed ) { /* Your Code Here */ UnHookFunction ( U_HUD_PostRunCmd ); } void HUD_TempEntUpdate ( double *pframetime, double *pclient_time, double *pcl_gravity, TEMPENTITY*** pppTempEntFree, TEMPENTITY*** pppTempEntActive, int( **pCallback_AddVisibleEntity )( cl_entity_t *pEntity ), void( **pCallback_TempEntPlaySound )( TEMPENTITY *pTemp, float damp ) ) { /* Your Code Here */ UnHookFunction ( U_HUD_TempEntUpdate ); } void HUD_AddEntity ( int type, struct cl_entity_s *ent, const char *modelname ) { /* Your Code Here */ UnHookFunction ( U_HUD_AddEntity ); } void HUD_Key_Event ( int eventcode, int keynum, const char *pszCurrentBinding ) { /* Your Code Here */ UnHookFunction ( U_HUD_Key_Event ); }
TEXT Code: #include <windows.h> #include "Client.h" DWORD* Slots = (DWORD*) 0x01EB74E8; DWORD dwTempEntUpdate = NULL; DWORD dwCreateMove = NULL; DWORD dwRedraw = NULL; DWORD dwPlayerMove = NULL; DWORD dwAddEnt = NULL; DWORD dwPostRunCmd = NULL; DWORD dwOriginal_HUD_Redraw = NULL; DWORD dwOriginal_CL_CreateMove = NULL; DWORD dwOriginal_HUD_PlayerMove = NULL; DWORD dwOriginal_HUD_PostRunCmd = NULL; DWORD dwOriginal_HUD_TempEntUpdate = NULL; DWORD dwOriginal_HUD_AddEntity = NULL; DWORD dwOriginal_HUD_Key_Event = NULL; int AddEntResult = 1; int KeyEventResult = 1; DWORD dwRetAddress = NULL; __declspec ( naked ) void Gateway2_CL_CreateMove ( void ) { __asm { call CL_CreateMove; jmp dwRetAddress; } } __declspec ( naked ) void Gateway1_CL_CreateMove ( void ) { __asm { push esi; mov esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x28]; mov dwRetAddress,esi; push dwCreateMove; pop esi; mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x28],esi; pop esi; ret; } } __declspec ( naked ) void Gateway2_HUD_Redraw ( void ) { __asm { call HUD_Redraw; jmp dwRetAddress; } } __declspec ( naked ) void Gateway1_HUD_Redraw ( void ) { __asm { push esi; mov esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x10]; mov dwRetAddress,esi; push dwRedraw pop esi; mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x10],esi; pop esi; ret; } } __declspec ( naked ) void Gateway2_HUD_PlayerMove ( void ) { __asm { call HUD_PlayerMove; jmp dwRetAddress; } } __declspec ( naked ) void Gateway1_HUD_PlayerMove ( void ) { __asm { push esi; mov esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x10]; mov dwRetAddress,esi; push dwPlayerMove pop esi; mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x10],esi; pop esi; ret; } } __declspec ( naked ) void Gateway2_HUD_AddEntity ( void ) { __asm { mov AddEntResult, eax; call HUD_AddEntity; mov eax, AddEntResult; jmp dwRetAddress; } } __declspec ( naked ) void Gateway1_HUD_AddEntity ( void ) { __asm { push esi; mov esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x14]; mov dwRetAddress,esi; push dwAddEnt pop esi; mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x14],esi; pop esi; ret; } } __declspec ( naked ) void Gateway2_HUD_Key_Event ( void ) { __asm { mov KeyEventResult, eax; call HUD_Key_Event; mov eax, KeyEventResult; jmp dwRetAddress; } } DWORD KeyEvent = (DWORD) &Gateway2_HUD_Key_Event; __declspec ( naked ) void Gateway1_HUD_Key_Event ( void ) { __asm { push esi; mov esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x14]; mov dwRetAddress,esi; push KeyEvent pop esi; mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x14],esi; pop esi; ret; } } __declspec ( naked ) void Gateway2_HUD_PostRunCmd ( void ) { __asm { nop; nop; nop; call HUD_PostRunCmd; nop; nop; nop; jmp dwRetAddress; } } __declspec ( naked ) void Gateway1_HUD_PostRunCmd ( void ) { __asm { nop; nop; nop; push esi; mov esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x38]; mov dwRetAddress,esi; push dwPostRunCmd pop esi; mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x38],esi; pop esi; ret; } } __declspec ( naked ) void Gateway2_HUD_TempEntUpdate ( void ) { __asm { nop; nop; nop; call HUD_TempEntUpdate; nop; nop; nop; jmp dwRetAddress; } } __declspec ( naked ) void Gateway1_HUD_TempEntUpdate ( void ) { __asm { nop; nop; nop; push esi; mov esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x100]; mov dwRetAddress,esi; push dwTempEntUpdate; pop esi; mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x100],esi; pop esi; ret; } } void ClientDllThread ( ) { dwRedraw = (DWORD) &Gateway2_HUD_Redraw; dwPlayerMove = (DWORD) &Gateway2_HUD_PlayerMove; dwCreateMove = (DWORD) &Gateway2_CL_CreateMove; dwAddEnt = (DWORD) &Gateway2_HUD_AddEntity; dwPostRunCmd = (DWORD) &Gateway2_HUD_PostRunCmd; dwTempEntUpdate = (DWORD) &Gateway2_HUD_TempEntUpdate; dwOriginal_HUD_Redraw = Slots[3]; dwOriginal_HUD_PlayerMove = Slots[6]; dwOriginal_CL_CreateMove = Slots[14]; dwOriginal_HUD_AddEntity = Slots[20]; dwOriginal_HUD_PostRunCmd = Slots[25]; dwOriginal_HUD_Key_Event = Slots[34]; dwOriginal_HUD_TempEntUpdate = Slots[35]; for ( ; ; Sleep ( 1 ) ) { Slots[3] = (DWORD) &Gateway1_HUD_Redraw; Slots[6] = (DWORD) &Gateway1_HUD_PlayerMove; Slots[14] = (DWORD) &Gateway1_CL_CreateMove; Slots[20] = (DWORD) &Gateway1_HUD_AddEntity; Slots[25] = (DWORD) &Gateway1_HUD_PostRunCmd; Slots[34] = (DWORD) &Gateway1_HUD_Key_Event; Slots[35] = (DWORD) &Gateway1_HUD_TempEntUpdate; } } void UnHookFunction ( int iFunction ) { switch ( iFunction ) { case 1: { Slots[3] = dwOriginal_HUD_Redraw; break; } case 2: { Slots[6] = dwOriginal_HUD_PlayerMove; break; } case 3: { Slots[14] = dwOriginal_CL_CreateMove; break; } case 4: { Slots[20] = dwOriginal_HUD_AddEntity; break; } case 5: { Slots[25] = dwOriginal_HUD_AddEntity; break; } case 6: { Slots[34] = dwOriginal_HUD_Key_Event; break; } case 7: { Slots[35] = dwOriginal_HUD_TempEntUpdate; break; } } }
TEXT Code: #define U_HUD_Redraw 1 #define U_HUD_PlayerMove 2 #define U_CL_CreateMove 3 #define U_HUD_AddEntity 4 #define U_HUD_PostRunCmd 5 #define U_HUD_Key_Event 6 #define U_HUD_TempEntUpdate 7 #include "Engine.h" void HUD_Redraw ( float x, int y ); void PreV_CalcRefdef ( struct ref_params_s *pparams ); void CL_CreateMove ( float frametime, struct usercmd_s *cmd, int active ); void HUD_PlayerMove ( struct playermove_s *a, int b ); void HUD_PostRunCmd ( struct local_state_s *from, struct local_state_s *to, struct usercmd_s *cmd, int runfuncs, double time, unsigned int random_seed ); void HUD_TempEntUpdate ( double *pframetime, double *pclient_time, double *pcl_gravity, TEMPENTITY*** pppTempEntFree, TEMPENTITY*** pppTempEntActive, int ( **pCallback_AddVisibleEntity )( cl_entity_t *pEntity ), void( **pCallback_TempEntPlaySound )( TEMPENTITY *pTemp, float damp ) ); void HUD_AddEntity (int type, struct cl_entity_s *ent, const char *modelname ); void HUD_Key_Event ( int eventcode, int keynum, const char *pszCurrentBinding );
TEXT Code: #ifndef Engine_H #define Engine_H #include "ValveSDK/engine/wrect.h" #include "ValveSDK/engine/cl_dll.h" #include "ValveSDK/engine/cdll_int.h" #include "ValveSDK/engine/const.h" #include "ValveSDK/engine/progdefs.h" #include "ValveSDK/engine/eiface.h" #include "ValveSDK/engine/edict.h" #include "ValveSDK/engine/studio_event.h" #include "ValveSDK/engine/entity_types.h" #include "ValveSDK/engine/pmtrace.h" #include "ValveSDK/engine/r_studioint.h" #include "ValveSDK/engine/triangleapi.h" #include "ValveSDK/engine/pm_defs.h" #include "ValveSDK/engine/r_efx.h" #include "ValveSDK/engine/studio.h" #include "ValveSDK/engine/event_flags.h" #include "ValveSDK/engine/entity_state.h" #include "ValveSDK/engine/parsemsg.h" #include "ValveSDK/common/com_model.h" #include "ValveSDK/common/net_api.h" #include "ValveSDK/common/event_api.h" #include "ValveSDK/common/ref_params.h" #include "ValveSDK/common/event_api.h" #include "ValveSDK/common/screenfade.h" #endif
Note: There are some engine functions that are detected when you call they, AVOID use these fuctions:
TEXT Code: pfnFillRGBA pfnGetPlayerInfo pfnDrawCharacter pfnDrawConsoleString pfnDrawSetTextColor GetLocalPlayer GetEntityByIndex CL_CreateVisibleEntity PlayerInfo_ValueForKey
Download: Orgia CD Base