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P3DHack BLT 1.4

icon Thema: [Release] P3DHack BLT 1.4

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007

Beiträge: 1957

Kategorie: Payday 2
Entwickler: P3D Hack Group, P3D Family, The3DReaL, IamALS, BLEATII, Simplity, Simon_GBBB, YaPh1l, Andrey_Murav'y

Changes that have been made with BLT v 1.5 to 1.6.1:
P3DHack BLT v 1.5:

Added new contracts in F9
Added new achievements in F10
Minor changes in F11
Reworked the settings menu in the game and other small fix

P3DHack BLT v 1.6 and 1.6.1:
Fix X-Ray. Forget about crashing with him!
There are no problems with the car turret
No more problems with a two-handed laser
Deleted Force skill list, since now it detected, like all skills use
Fixed a print in Num +, when instead of Civil was written Bandit
Fixed an imprint in the English version of "ВHack"
Fixed minor issues P3DHack works much more stable
Now, together with REVIVE TEAM ("?"), you release players from prison (Only Host)
Made changes that I did not write about
Updated contracts in F9
A small redesign in F10, some bugs fixed
Added new achievements
Added localization of achievements in 4 languages!

P3DHack BLT v1.6.1