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DCUO Hack Remake v1.4

icon Thema: [Release] DCUO Hack Remake v1.4

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007

Beiträge: 1957

Kategorie: Other FPS Games
Entwickler: UmmBop

How to use*:
Extract the files from the .zip to a folder of your choice
Start DCUO
At character select screen start DCUO Inject.exe
Activate the hotkeys ingame

Menu features can be changed using your arrow keys*
*Teleport will be disabled while menu is open
No Delay ranged bugged for rifle taps
Fake infinite scharge may not show as full but will work for certain powers
Fake power won't give you the might hit, only precision combo damage(light/earth/rage/celestial)
Rebind your keys in Binds.txt using decimal value = cherrytree.at/misc/vk.htm
If you manually map the .dll you will have to place the settings and binds file in: Sony Online Entertainment\Installed Games\DC Universe Online\UNREAL3\BINARIES\WIN32

Fixed an offset broken by AoJ DLC update that caused some memory features to stop working
Added Distance ESP
Added Points
Added 3 more variations of electricity color
Some minor changes


DCUO Hack Remake v2.8