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Slayer's Warrock Hook

icon Thema: [Release] Slayer's Warrock Hook

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007

Beiträge: 8643


199 positiv
33 negativ

[features public]
- Superjump (Custom height)
- Dig (Custom height)
- Skystormer (Custom height)
- Fast Flag/Ammo/Health/Repair
- Anti Kick
- Chat Spammer
- No Recoil
- Playerboxes
- No Bounds
- Far Fog
- Instant Spawn (No Spawn Wait)
- No Fall Damage
- Fire Grafiti
- Full Bright
- Unlimited Stamina
- Silence Walk
- Weapon Hack (Choose from 82 weapons)
- Clean.bat (Auto runs every "custom time")
- Kill PnkBstrA (Auto kills Punkbuster A every "custom time")
- No Spread
- Glass Walls
- Near Fog
- Vehicle GPS
- BaseCircles
- Scope
- Unlimited Ammo
- Boneshot (Always Headshot)
- 5th slot
- Crosshair
- Teleport
- Custom Crosshair (Use your own created crosshair for sniper, or another class)
- No Water
- Triggerbot

[Extra features Public]
- Custom crosshair creator
- Account creator (Quickly make an account for Warrock)
- Manual Address updater, Save & Load to files (You can always use this hack!)
- Save & Load Teleport system (Save and Load co-ordinats)
- Custom Shortcuts (With shortcut list)
- Info
- Weaponlist
- See hotkeys
- Start Warrock without Updates
- MSN Spammer
- Radio players (Webradio player)
- All hacks On/Off
- PnkBstr B Priority Idle (Sets the Punkbuster A priority to Lowest)
- D3D Style Ingame menu
- Edit Ingame Menu (Not working yet, hope to fix this at the next update)
- Edit Hack (Not working yet, hope to fix this at the next update)
- Quick open a form
- And more!

[features VIP]
- All Public features
- No zoom blackout (Full screen sniper scope)
- Empty map (Removes all objects in a map)
- Cordwalk hack (Custom speed *Beta*)
- One Position Kill
- Fast as Famas
- Sniper Vangence Point (Line up all players in one line)
- Auto Medic
- Auto Ammo
- Auto Repair
- Gold Premium
- Silver Premium
- 0 Delay
- Advanced Skystormer (With glide)
- Invisible
- Shoot Through Walls
- Escalator
- Invisible Vehicle
- Walk Underwater
- Prone in Close Quater Combat
- Walk Through Walls
- Bug yourself like hell (Kinda weard bug something *Beta*)

[Extra features VIP]
- All Public Extra features
- Auto kill Punkbuster A when it runs
- Stop hacks while Punkbuster is scanning
- Teleporter presets (Use a preset to teleport to)
- And more!



