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[MW3] Tools [Update 07.02.2012]

icon Thema: [MW3] Tools [Update 07.02.2012]

Anmeldungsdatum: Mär 2010

Beiträge: 220

MW3 Dedicated server addon
At last the long-awaited server fix is finally here!

Notes before downloading/reading:
Some anti-viruses detect this as a virus, but it is known as a false-positive
All bugs should be posted in this thread or sent to me by PM only (see bottom of post)

- Features -

- Console log
Most information is now stored in logs, to fix more of IW's errors!
*It is known information in the logs (ex. kills) are missing and will be addressed in an update.

- All Dvars & Cvars unlocked
Tweak any value now without limits to your preference!

- Custom commands
Four commands were added: cmdlist, dvarlist, sv_exec, and sv_reload.
View avaliable commands with cmdlist and now all of the cvars/dvars with dvarlist, to help customize your server.

sv_exec: acts just as good old exec!
*Note: configuration files must be located in the admin folder.

sv_reload: reload server configuration (sv_config.ini)

- Re-size console window
You no longer have to bare with the tiny console window, pick your size!

- CPU/Bandwidth error? No problem!
YOU have the choice to remove this now.
*Note: various tests have not seen server lag issues

- Timed messages
YOU have the choice to remove this now.
*Note: various tests have not seen server lag issues

- Server scripts
Control mini-mods and options automatically!
*See example.script for more information

- Control if your server is ranked!
Just set the configuration to your liking [ranked/unranked]

.:Soon-to-come features:.
- Plugins!
Create, share, and customize plugins to control and customize your server to the next level! *Only one plugin is provided for now, once the API is finished, create all you want!
[Sneak peak of just one possibility]
[Sneak peak of just another possibility]

- A more detailed server log including: kills/deaths, match information, and other various details.


Finally, the actual download:

All files & folders go inside the main server directory.

1. Download & extract .zip
2. Place in server's root foler
3. Customize configuration [See sv_config.ini in the addon folder]
4. Run iw5mp_addon.exe
5. Done

By using my program you agree to keep the credits intact and display them where needed.
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*Notice: The unlimited ammo plugin comes along in the plugins folder.

When submitting a bug you must follow (most of) these guide lines:
With what? (log/crash/ingame/etc)
Do you know how to reproduce it?
How many times has this happened?
(Any other information below)
With an exception/crash:
Upload the MDUMP file in the addon's directory and post the console logs (console.log/data.log).

Nukem [Creator]
agri [Module functions]
R4z8r [Address functions]
CoMPMStR [Command information]

-- Change log --
12-24-2011: V1.01: EXCEPTION 0x40010006 fix | sv_config.ini: new option

12-23-2011: V1: Initial release


