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AutoPwn v2 - Masskill: 9 DLLs

icon Thema: [Release] AutoPwn v2 - Masskill: 9 DLLs

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007

Beiträge: 8643


199 positiv
33 negativ
Thiss is a hack exploiting ClientMeleeWeapon::giveDamage to kill all players of the enemy team with the currently equipped weapon if they are in range of the weapon(use snipers to effectively kill the whole team).
Why 9 Dlls? These are all compiled with different compiler options making detection harder. For maximum safety use only one DLL and don't switch, if you're lucky this DLL will stay undetected for a while. If you get kicked try with a different DLL. The hack is PB safe as of now(08.01.2012). Note that the differences are greater between each folder and smaller between each "O-Level".
Once injected the hack will start, the only way to make it stop is to close the game or switch to an unsupported weapon(melee or repair tool/grenade/rpg). This will not work in tanks or vehicles and is likely to crash your game if attempted.
This hack is more an appeal to dice to fix the game than anything.
Download AutoPwn v2 - Masskill: 9 DLLs

