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C# Color Aimbot v1.01

icon Thema: [Release] C# Color Aimbot v1.01

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007

Beiträge: 8643


199 positiv
33 negativ
Kategorie: Other
Entwickler: evolution536

C# Performant Color aimbot version 1.01. The following things have changed.
  • Added bug report feature. When an exception is thrown (rare occasion ofcourse), a bug report screen is shown that allows users to post in the authors thread;
  • Performance measures and optimizations have been made. Review the sources for more details

This release contains the sources and binary. It is open source because I think everybody should be able to see how it is done and modify it if they like. However, if you do so, please give credit to the author at first release.

The aimbot

The aimbot contain a pixel skipping feature, which (I hope) I thought of myself. If not, ignore this claim. http://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/images/smilies/speechless.gif

Pixel skipping allows you to configure the aimbot in a way it will skip a number of pixels before aiming. This is useful in some cases because the first pixel will mostly be at the top left of an enemies head. By enabling pixel skipping the aimbot will move further down or right. This can come in useful when recoil or spread is not your friend inside the game http://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/images/smilies/wink.gifThe following picture should help clearify this function.


The next thing I wanted to do to make it run faster is use multiple threads. Nowadays very many people, including me, have a fast computer that can handle a thing or two. I wrote the aimbot code in a way that it uses threads in a safe way, that allows it to be a little faster than a single-threaded one. I wanted to write it to be able to split up the images into thread workers, but I didn't yet succeeded that part.

The code is ready for this though. You can enter the number of threads as a parameter. If you do this though, the aimbot will be really bugged when using 2 or more threads to render the picture. That is why I disabled it in this version. If there is interest and maybe some people who are eager to help me out, I will fix this in a later version. In my vision a multi-threaded aimbot can be more efficient on high-end systems.

Downsides of a Color aimbot

A color aimbot works only when you run the game in window mode. It uses GDI+ to capture the window rectangle, so it does not work on a fullscreen game. You might as well already know this.

Another downside is that it uses many system resources. If you have an older computer be careful with running it since it can use up some processor power.

As stated above, I am willing to improve it and add features if there is interest. I still would want to add:
- Overlay crosshair (also using GDI+)
- fix the multi-threaded aimbot bug

[Other] C# Color Aimbot v1.01

