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World of Tanks - No trees and bushes

icon Thema: [Release] World of Tanks - No trees and bushes

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007

Beiträge: 8643


199 positiv
33 negativ
Kategorie: Other FPS Games
Entwickler: Anonymous

Just gets rid of trees and bushes. Better visibility !

Shadows of fix bushes aren't actual shadows but darker textures on the ground. And you should know where they are just by knowing the maps.

This being said, you don't need an exe. The _speedtree directory can be overwritten. I'm uploading my own (to be put in GAME_PATH/res_mods/GAME_VERSION/).
It's only up to date for 8.5, so if there been new maps just make a new directory in _speedtree with the map's name (ID_NAME) and put in it the two dds files you find in all the other dirs (same two files everywhere).


World of Tanks - No trees and bushes

