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OSH sf2 problems

icon Thema: OSH sf2 problems

Anmeldungsdatum: Sep 2013

Beiträge: 15

first the error.
   at 螆ů䟝ⅼ᰽鯲箁֡.荐覡將蝸孖蹜讓(筛䑷搀慛ꆌ㝌↌Ἥ 댱牍䝀掂�쇀Ῑର, IntPtr 鼗�퇂쐤ՠ깆ꉑ, Boolean 섴ಅ暊ꧯ跛ꪈ鮶䣭)
   at 螆ů䟝ⅼ᰽鯲箁֡.荐覡將蝸孖蹜讓(筛䑷搀慛ꆌ㝌↌Ἥ 댱牍䝀掂�쇀Ῑର, Int32 ꝛ哉닰奟嚎቏㵒, Boolean 섴ಅ暊ꧯ跛ꪈ鮶䣭)
   at OSHFusionLoader.MainForm.荐覡將蝸孖蹜讓(頧ମꃚ匬뻻觻녴嗱 燒뚘♴ꪹၟ锸㕟샲, Boolean& 糪㰩䀩뭈Џ≞툦)
80004005 Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed

I managed to get the hack working for a few games but then it crashed.
Some problems with osh sf2
-Aimbot with sniper not working
-Crashes after a few games
What other people say, I won't know if it's true or not.

BFP4F with OSH1.4 crashes after some time
-Aimbot is buggy

If you have more than these problems with the osh sf2 or any other games, please reply under so that we get a clean list for kn4ck3r to work on