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Battlefield 4 External Radar

icon Thema: [Release] Battlefield 4 External Radar

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007

Beiträge: 8646


199 positiv
33 negativ
Kategorie: Battlefield 4
Entwickler: A200K

It is not working if you or the enemy is in a vehicle, would need to make the hack internal (dll) for that..

Working on Win7 x64,
Windowed mode in BF4 helps (for having the radar window on top)

Credits to @Um Links zu sehen, musst du dich registrieren for his SDK
Big thank you to @Um Links zu sehen, musst du dich registrieren for the updated Offsets

: Toggle names
[NUM+]: Zoom in
[NUM-]: Zoom out
: Toggle Visible enemy warnings

Use at your own risk!

Update allows you to zoom in a bit more, random window title name to make it harder to detect, and added a watermark to prevent this hack from appearing on other websites (so it won't get detected that fast)
- Added Visible enemy warning

This version is now Undetected, but please use a MD5 Hasher/crypter to keep your version undetected! (For your own safety)
Please rename the .exe too.


Battlefield 4 External Radar

