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DuhAsianX32's GlowESP 1.2

icon Thema: [Release] DuhAsianX32's GlowESP 1.2

Anmeldungsdatum: Jul 2015

Beiträge: 1

Kategorie: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Entwickler: DuhAsianX32

DuhAsianX32's GlowESP 1.2

Hey guys, I've made my simple GlowESP public. I've been using it for 3 months without getting banned.

- it finds the right offsets automatically so it doesn't get outdated
- it is VAC undetected (unless too many people overuse it and it goes common)
- version 1.2 makes the glow thinner and makes the hack fully undetected again

Press F9 to enable/disable the ESP.
Please use Enigma or VMProtect for better protection against VAC.

Kudos to Merccy2 for his base.

Enjoy and remember not to be obvious or Overwatch will get you!


DuhAsianX32's GlowESP 1.2