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Dirty Bomb dipbot

icon Thema: [Release] Dirty Bomb dipbot

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007

Beiträge: 1959

Kategorie: Other FPS Games
Entwickler: Nseven

This is a minimalistic dip only d3d aimbot with autoshoot. Aimbot aims at both teams (nearest target to crosshair). Expect bugs, will not be undetected forever.

how to use:
  • run dipbot.exe

  • start the game yourself

right mouse = aimbot
F12 = toggles autoshoot
F11 = toggles aimbot
F10 = load/reload config (alt tab out, change settings, alt tab back, pres F10 to load settings)
edit settings.ini to change options

If hack doesn't work:
If dipbot.exe doesn't inject, you are probably missing the latest Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 redistributables.
Download and install:
Um Links zu sehen, musst du dich registrieren
or install Visual Studio 2015 Express for Desktop:
Um Links zu sehen, musst du dich registrieren

if aim is shaking:
disable mouse smoothing (game options->controls->mouse->smoothing)
you can also increase aimsmooth in settings.ini

changelog v0.2:
- fixed aim above target
- fixed aim at multiple targets
- added ini

changelog v0.3:
- fixed colored models
- added chams=2

changelog v0.4b:
- fixed a freeze bug
- better chams
- F10 saves/reloads settings
- showphantom=1 makes stealthed phantoms visible
- aimbot aims at stealthed phantoms
- showaimpoint=1


Dirty Bomb dipbot v0.4