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Dirty Bomb dipbot

icon Thema: [Release] Dirty Bomb dipbot

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007

Beiträge: 1959

Kategorie: Other FPS Games
Entwickler: Nseven

This is a d3d multihack. Aimbot aims at both teams (nearest target to crosshair). Expect bugs, will not be undetected forever.

how to use:
- download Extreme Injector v3.5.2 or higher (the latest extreme injector version is v3.6.1)
1. rename Extreme Injector to something else
2. click Settings: in the bottom right-hand corner of the settings menu, click on "Start In Secure Mode"
3. once a new Extreme Injector window has appeared, select DLL Name: "dipbot.dll"
4. select Process Name and copy past the word: ShooterGame-Win32-Shipping.exe
5. click Settings again and select Injection Method: "Manual Map"
6. check the boxes named: "Auto Inject", "Stealth Inject", "Erase Pe" and "Hide Module"
7. set "Scrambling Options" to "Basic" and click OK
8. run the game (it should inject before Nexon Security is loaded, the Injector window should close as the game starts)
- always use "Secure Mode", do NOT open Injector while the game is already running

how to activate ingame menu:
- press INSERT to activate menu
- use arrow keys or mouse to select options
menu autosaves settings (if standard injection is used)

if aim is shaking:
disable mouse smoothing (game options->controls->mouse->smoothing)
you can also increase aimsmooth

/hackdata/screenshot/thumb/15b8a6b547cbfa9ccfb5f120142ef58a.jpg /hackdata/screenshot/thumb/ded706bf80b0359fab22ac70db34474d.jpg

dipbot v0.8