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WRpublic 09.20

icon WRpublic 09.20 #1

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007

Beiträge: 8643


199 positiv
33 negativ
- Use a different name for the exe
- Remove the installer afterward to prevent scan detection
- Remove any old hacks
- change the screen location of the menu, pb checks this !!!
- When not needed, hide the window (Insert) or select autohide !!!
- Don't ask for further VIP hacks, buy a VIP hack or make your own

Download: (Under Vista, rightclick and run as administrator)

- removed GM hack
- added anti kick, is always on
- tried to make it harder to detect by pb.
- autohide is now default on

How it works:
- You can move the window only by Ctrl+Arrow keys
- Hide or Show the window with Insert key

Ingame keys:
Delete = Rotate extra weapons, press DEL to select the wanted item and roll over
Ctrl+L = refill all ammo (sometimes a bit slow)
Ctrl+M = Get a injection
Ctrl+X = Glasswall if enabled
Ctrl+space = superjump if you hold the Ctrl key you will stay up
Ctrl+W = use speed hack
Ctrl+B = save current location
Ctrl+G = teleport to saved location
Ctrl+O = Toggle water on/off (without water you can switch weapons)

- I am not at fault if your account is banned.
- Use low level accounts to hack with public hacks.
- the coop triggerbot won't work after sometime (on purpose)
- It automatically finds the new addresses when warrock updates


