Anmeldungsdatum: Apr 2010
Beiträge: 1
HI all . Here is our Publix Hack from me :

older Screen but Same Hack
TEXT Code: changelog: - NEW YEAR - 9.2.2012 -> Project Updated - 10.2.2012 -> Added new functions / making new menu - 11.2.2012 -> Finished Menu / Fixxing some Functions / RELEASE -> 11.2.2012 New Functions : 3 way WTW / 2 Way GlassWalls / New HeadShot Way / New SuperJump / Tp To Start (you will tp'ed to the point were you spawn at first) / PlantAnywere / Status / Fps / Time / NEW MENU :) |-> W.Hack : Disabled for now / Turn Prem first in lobby on not at LogIn ! / Unl.Ammo will Crash after Round .
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